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Saturday, December 30, 2006
Selamat Hari Raya AidilAdha

Hostel On FiRE.
Pengajaran daripada kejadian hari ni,, jangan main api yer adik2... tadaaaaaaaaaa,
Friday, December 29, 2006
the holiday.........
Hari ni bermula la secara rasmi nya, cuti winter aku. setelah selesai test pead semalam, balik kelas tadi terus format com. tapi ade lak prob jugak mase nak format. check punye check, rupenya, kipas laptop aku ni penuh ngan habuk, dah x le nak pusing... hampeh tul udara kat moscow ni... kotor beb. anyway, thanks to Deven yg service laptop aku... thanks.. f.o.c. aku offer duit die x nak... heheheh..
the movie is about two women who are having problems with their love one. C. Diaz , in this film is a movie producer in L.A, found out that her husband is cheating on her, while, Kate Winslet, in this film is a writer in London, who felt in love , secretly with her co-worker... who end up marrying another girl..
so, dua2 minah ni pon frust menonggeng la... then, thanks to the power of the internet. both of them were looking for a holiday far2 away from home........ So diorang pon join la satu web ni, yg cari sape2 yg nak gi holiday dgn cara duduk rumah org lain , and kasi rumah sendiri sbg tempat holiday utk org lain.... kire mcm tukar rumah la... Cameron went to Kate's cottage in Uk, and Kate moved to Cameron's mansion in L.A.....

Hari tu aku ade tgk satu movie ni... tajuk The Holiday... mase tgk tajuk tu cam boring jer... malas nak layan, tapi lepas check kat Yahoo Movie pasal synopsis citer ni... mcm best la pulak. Tambah pulak actor n actress yg aku suke.. Cameroon Diaz, Kate Winslet, Jude Law n Jack Black.. citer ni masuk dalam kategori romantic/komedi la...

so, kat sane, diorang pon jumpe la pakwe baru, yang kononnya "Mr Right" utk masing.... heheheh... kalau nak tahu ngan lebih lanjut, tgk sendiri la. Best jugak la citer la. Kalau ikut rating aku.. , aku kasi 8/10 la.. sbb ade unsur2 lawak yg cool giler. pastu Cameron siap nyanyi lagu the killer lagi... hahahaha...
adeeeeeeeeeeeii... . aku ni dalam keadaan yg x sedar dir----- 2 minggu lagi ade government exams... aaaaarghhhhhh.. malas nye nak study... ade ke patut buat exam dalam cuti winter... I NEED A BReAK... heheheh
P/S... Sape ek vote LONDON?...aku rase mcm zak jer... kalau ToKYo tu kompem Kokui n TAKe.
Selamat Rileks kpd member2 yg xder kelas besok,... ENJOY>>>>>
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Besok Test..
Memandangkan besok aku bakal bz mengformatkan balik com aku ni, so ari ni... aku pon nak tambah entry la.. sbb besok mungkin xder entry dah kot... hahaha.... tadi niat nak study kejap sbb nak exam besok, so aku kluarkan la buku2 yg dah berkarat dlm rak buku tuh...
maka berteraburlah buku2 nota atas karpet tu... tapi biasa la... mane bole baca buku jer.. mesti ade peneman kan... so , ntah dari mane lak,, tetiba jer controller PS2 tejatuh tgh2 buku tu... adoi.... pastu.., ade la pulak remote control tv........ so....

inilah hasilnya... dengan buku2 terdampar depan tv.. maka siaplah aku malam ni... adeih... mintak la besok dpt soalan senang2... godaan winning eleven ni kuat sgt la.. kalah buku2 ... camner nak study camni... hampehhhh....

tapi akhirnya, aku kembali gak ke meja study.. ade la sekotak coklat "continental" org kasi from UK.. thanks a lot.. tu Mug MALAYSIA, abg aku kasi mase first time nak fly ke moscow dulu... haha.. sentimental.. budget aku xkan balik mesia selama 6 tahun kot.. tgk2, tiap2 summer ade jer muka aku kat mesia.... tempat jatuh lagikan dikenang... inikan pulak negara sendiri...

ni la muka2 yg bakal menghadapi exam pead besok.. good luck beb... telinga aku bersinar skit gara2 flash kamera kene kat ear protector... hampeh... mcm alien la pulak kepala tuh...
anyway, hasil daripada vote yg latest, menunjukan bahawa, kawin 4 lebih cool daripada jadi angkasawan... hahahah.. no offence Dr Sheikh n Dr Faiz... dah dasar lelaki ni gatai... nak wat camner kan.. anyway.. dah nasib lelaki dapat kawin 4.. .. bukan salah kami.. harap kaum wanita dpt memahami... " berkawan biar sejuta, bercinta biar seribu, kawin 4 pon cukup la kot...."... gurau jerk

permandangan dari bilik exam pada esok hari yg memang bosan dan memboringkan... arggggggggghhh.... study weeiii... study.... GOOD LUCK>
maka berteraburlah buku2 nota atas karpet tu... tapi biasa la... mane bole baca buku jer.. mesti ade peneman kan... so , ntah dari mane lak,, tetiba jer controller PS2 tejatuh tgh2 buku tu... adoi.... pastu.., ade la pulak remote control tv........ so....
inilah hasilnya... dengan buku2 terdampar depan tv.. maka siaplah aku malam ni... adeih... mintak la besok dpt soalan senang2... godaan winning eleven ni kuat sgt la.. kalah buku2 ... camner nak study camni... hampehhhh....
tapi akhirnya, aku kembali gak ke meja study.. ade la sekotak coklat "continental" org kasi from UK.. thanks a lot.. tu Mug MALAYSIA, abg aku kasi mase first time nak fly ke moscow dulu... haha.. sentimental.. budget aku xkan balik mesia selama 6 tahun kot.. tgk2, tiap2 summer ade jer muka aku kat mesia.... tempat jatuh lagikan dikenang... inikan pulak negara sendiri...
ni la muka2 yg bakal menghadapi exam pead besok.. good luck beb... telinga aku bersinar skit gara2 flash kamera kene kat ear protector... hampeh... mcm alien la pulak kepala tuh...
anyway, hasil daripada vote yg latest, menunjukan bahawa, kawin 4 lebih cool daripada jadi angkasawan... hahahah.. no offence Dr Sheikh n Dr Faiz... dah dasar lelaki ni gatai... nak wat camner kan.. anyway.. dah nasib lelaki dapat kawin 4.. .. bukan salah kami.. harap kaum wanita dpt memahami... " berkawan biar sejuta, bercinta biar seribu, kawin 4 pon cukup la kot...."... gurau jerk
permandangan dari bilik exam pada esok hari yg memang bosan dan memboringkan... arggggggggghhh.... study weeiii... study.... GOOD LUCK>
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
tadi balik kelas, internet xder. hampess.. satu bangunan tensen aku rase... yer la... internet la bentuk hiburan yang paling murah kat moscow ni... uhuhuuh.. anyway, memandangkan besok aku ade exam peadiatric, let's talk about car today... (xder kaitan)..
This is ferrari Enzo, named after Enzo Ferrari (bapak ferrari) , only 99 of this are made worldwide ( and I have 2 of it.........hahahah). If u have around 1 million €, u can buy this monster V12 , top speed 362km/h ( laju skit dari motor C70 zak).... but, this is an old story....2002 i guess...
Now, 2006, ferrari came up with a new car, called 599GTB Fiorano, which is, i have to say, a lot prettier than Enzo but used the same engine. Top speed around 320km/h, which is more than enuf to be a public enemy. Even Kimi Raikonnen wished that this car will be his x-mas present.. hahah.. ( since he is driving for Ferrari next season, might as well pleased the boss). Last time when I was looking around ferrari showroom in Milan, this baby cost around 2ooK €... quite cheap.. maybe i should buy 2 of this... one in black, one red..hmm...

harga bus pass naik lagi..
dulu monthly bus pass hanya 75rub, pastu...naik...sampai la skarang, dah 162 rub.....
hampes tul moscow ni... dah la harga hostel naik mcm nak giler... dari 500usd ke 800usd.. pastu 1300usd... ntah berapa la pulak pasni.....
tu x kire lagi harga ikan salmon....argghhhhhhhh.... tensen2.. ni semua pasal nilai USD turun la.. apsal la amerika pergi serang Iraq.. bodoh tul la... kan dah susah... harga minyak naik... bla bla..bla... inflasi....damn..

penin beb... camner nak study...gangguan ekonomi...
Sunday, December 24, 2006
I never thought....

enjoy the moment.., coz we dont know what will happen next... .. ( dont worry, trouble and problem will come no matter how good u are, how nice u are, but happiness, joy and excitement- are things, some how, we have to work for.................
Friday, December 22, 2006
owh RSMU ku....
Memandangkan orang kata... " a picture says a thousand words", so kali ni, aku malas nak tulis bnyk... tgk gambar jer la ek...
Selamat hari lahir ke 40 utk yon... eheheh.. walaupon dah tua , jgn la lupakan kitorang yg still muda ni ek.... jgn jadi M Rajoli dah lah...
hostelku tersayang....hhhhhhhhmmmmmm ... gambar diambil pada 11 dec 06, ajaib giler xder snow. nasib baik snow dah start turun 2-3 hari lepas. kalau x masuk dlm sejarah moscow sambut krismas tanpa snow... har har har...
ni pulak idea baru org2 kat europe nak sediakan perkhidmatan hotel murah kot... ala2 airasia la... asal bole tido jer... jimat n simple. good idea gak ni. kalau banjir bole jadi kapal selam terus. x yah nak susah2 pindah ker pusat pemindahan banjir....
gambar yg xder kaitan dlm kehidupan aku. saje jer letak sbb nampak mcm cool jer. tgk gambar ni, teringin la pulak aku nak letak ular sawa dlm ek puyi. letak atas engine B22 die tu. ade org nak mengamuk rasenye pastu....

Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Misha, ne meshaet !!!!!!!!

Gambar dicuri dari zax
Nampaknya, pelaburan zak dalam bidang foto tidak lah membazir semata2. setelah bertungkus lumus bekerja keras belajar teknik2 mengambil gambar, zak skarang memangla power giler bab2 ambik gambar ni.... ni la hasil faris petra... baru betul..... , jgn x lawat zak kat http://moxdfaiz.fotopages.com yer kawan2...
Taka a.k.a Mr Forex - Jejaka Kesepian- Blues utk aku.
dan, hasil daripada pungutan suara dalam blog ni, maka telah diputuskan berdasarkan undian di antara TAKA n AMET, sape lagi psycho, taka telah menang ngan majoriti 1 undian saja. Sorry amet, maruahmu telah tercalar. Taka ni bukan calang2 orgnya, dah la single, hensem pulak tu. Katanya sedang mencari jodoh. So, kalau la ade awek2 kesepian di luar sana yg masih lagi mencari Mr Right, kontekla Taka ngan segera yer. Mas kawin anda dijamin oleh FOREX.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Seperti menunggu snow jatuh ke riba...
New WAJA GTI ..... khas Utk ZAK

Kete ni nampak mcm reka bentuk yg cool giler. sbb ape ek? Maybe sbb diorang cuba nak tiru body Merc SLK kot? Pastu body kit semua aku rase diorang ambik dari Skyline..... hmmm.. tapi lampu belakang tu memang trademark WAJA la... go WAJA.... ( balik nanti aku nak mod WAJA mak aku jadi camni....) hehehhe
Tapi yg paling x logik skali dlm artikel kat atas ni, harga RM120K. yer la, bayangkan la... bnyk betul part yg kene import nak buat kete ni. Engine? campro xder lak version V6 2.0 L. Kalau campro try nak buat pon, bukan senang nak jadi 220hp tu.. wheel 20inch lagi....hmmmm... at least rm150k kot... hahaha.. but who knows... who knows... 50 years ago, nobody would expect Malaysia could built a car. MALAYSIA BOLEH>>>>
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Peraduan teka mayat.....

me n jack's brothers in dubai desert.
Just found out that I have the same birthday ngan John Cusack (american wedding, ice harvest, runaway jury,serendipity), hahahha, patut la aku minat sgt ngan mamat ni... ( aku bkn gay mcm kokui...still straight) .... so kalau korang nak check bday korang same ngan celebrities mane, masuk website ni. www.famousbirthdays.com.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Tribute to Kokui

Tuesday, December 12, 2006
I do, cheerish u


Hari ni start cycle peadiatrics kat morozozksaya, near metro oktyaberskaya... dlm 45 mins jugak la nak sampai sana ( dari bandar pasir puteh ke bandar kb!!). but, ni dah consider dekat dah bagi kitorang kat sini, maklum la, kelas2 lain,kene travel more than an hour, so 45 mins is good enuf. So memandang kan aku letih giler hari ni, (malam semalam main badminton sampai kul 11 mlm), so kat kelas pagi tadi memang half concious la, nasib baik la kelas abis awal, bole aku balik sambung tido kat bilik. Tadi on the way balik singgah eldorado jap beli katrij printer, x tau la pulak hari ni ade discount 10% utk semua barang... just my luck then..
So , memandangkan aku xder mende nak tulis hari ni , so aku pon interview zak la skit2, ala2 survey yg budak2 isi kat frenster tu...

aku : are u single or taken ?
zak : married to puteri gunung daik bercabang tiga
aku : what color do u like?
zak : kelabu tahik anjing, merah darah kepala kambing, putih tengkorak...
aku : what time u wake up today?
zak : a true bomoh never slept......
aku :what did u did last nite?
zak : bakar kemenyan.
aku : last thing u ate?
zak : ayam putih panggang...
aku : ur bday?
zak : bile bulan mengambang n serigala menyalak.
aku : most visited webpage?
zak : manusianjin.com
aku :??????
interview terhenti setelah tiba2 ribut melanda, n kedengaran bunyi harimau berkumandang???? hahahah... damn, I'm bored.
Hahaha.. by the way, the voting for the best medical tv series had ended. And i proudly announce that Nip/Tuck is the winner... well, nothing better then being a plastic surgeon who drive a gallardo compared to a pathetic crumpie or greys love stories.... hahaha.. but I do watch Dr house n Grey's anatomy. At least they keep my dream alive....

Monday, December 11, 2006
Bulan ku tunggu, kari mendatang???
Sunday, December 10, 2006

9 dec 2006, i was proudly selected as a representative for 5th year male student to attend the Malaysian Culture Nite ( since my frens are ultimetly bz with their study and just cant take their eyes from the books!!!)
michelle, so beautiful, even the security wanted to take photo with her...

People have been talking about this grand event for the last few weeks, i saw my fellow frens were bz practising for the perfomance every day and nite, week in, week out. The preparation was superb. at least that what i heard. But, as I entered the Hall, and the moment I read the "atur cara majlis" , I realized, something wasnt rite about last nite. I'm not sure other ppl did realize what was missing last nite, but I did heard from a number of ppl who wasnt very happy about how the event was organized ,that the event was lack of sensitivity. Hmmmm...
Miss baju kebaya n Miss Cheongsam for fashion show....

Maybe the word "balance" didnt come to the mind of the organizer. Well, what done is done, I believe the organizer were doing their best. Anyway, great event thou. It was a wonderful nite and everything went well... most of it, i guess. Well done RSMA, not bad for ur 1st big event. but, i hope in the future, they will do better.... and pls guys.... BALANCE.

But, one thing I'm not quite sure. Did the event last nite really reflex the Malaysian Culture overall? In my own opinion, it was a bit one sided. No offence about this, maybe I just didnt watched the whole show, but still, from the booklet given, for me, it just not rite.... Malaysian is composed of different cultures, different races, diff language. but still we managed in peaceful and prosperity in Malaysian b'coz everybody respect each other and skin color isnt a big issue in Malaysia. Even here, I made a lot of chinese n indian frens more compared to in Malaysia. Here, Malay, Chinese, Indian are good frens, coz we all are malaysian. Bersatu kite teguh, bercerai kite roboh ( dato K bercerai bole kawin ngan ct..)....

sya n che su in action..... what malaysian does best... taking photo.... ehehehe
Melayu Mudah Lupe...

The sun still shines, the dogs r still barking and the cows are still producing Milk, but ppl changed every second. Yes, of course, ppl are a lot more "cultured" and that's y we kept changing. but changing, have 2 types. one is for a good purpose, and another is not. One of the reason we kept changing ourselves is because we always forget who the hell we are...not bcoz we want to move foward toward success,..And when ppl forget, they will lose s'thing. 1st, they lose s'thing that they think are not so important to them, for ex.... their mind and thinking...... then, they started to lose their dignity..... and the list goes on until by the time they realized they had lost so many things, everything is gone, and there is nothing u can do about it..........think about it ....
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