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Sunday, February 25, 2007
Love need no reason..

Friday, February 23, 2007
what a man want...
Monday, February 19, 2007
Friday, February 16, 2007
The snow is falling... the city is white..
" good guys can do bad thing and bad guys can do good thing"... hmmmm... I just finished watching the latest Ekin Chan gangster movie " Heavenly mission".. actually the movie is not that good neither as the same level as young and dangerous. But, the name Ekin C, made me watched the movie. I'm a big fan of young and dangerous.. hahahah.. yup.. mase kecik2 selalu imagine nak jadi gangster... blasah org sana sini... but, look at me now... no where near my childhood imagination. But still, I'm gonna meet a lots of gangster when I work at the emergency room someday in the future, and the best part it.. most of them gonna beg to me to save their life... hahahaha.. ( if I ever make it to become a doc!!!) . Anyway.... I was wrong about the weather today... yesterday, the forecast said there will be no more snow.. and it gonna melt.. But, today ..it was snowing quite a lot... but.. it was a lovely day.. not too cold.. It was only -1 to -3.. so.. org kata... suam2 kuku ibu jari kaki.... the trees were all covered with snow.. if only I brought my camera to class today!!!!... heheh.. But I managed to snap a few photos using my Z800...good enuf.. 1.3 mp.. .. If only the winter is like this everyday... moscow will be a better place to live... ... but.. in the end of the day... it's not us, human to decide how the weather gonna be tomorrow... God decided everything... and whatever happened.. or gonna happen.. God already has a plan for us... errghhh... cant wait for weekend. One more class before weekend start.... weekend.. apsal la x le weekend panjang2 ek... aku ni memang superb la malas.. but today,
Thursday, February 15, 2007
wednesday, 14 feb.
"everything gonna be ok" , "I'm ok", "whatever ur decision.. I'm ok with it"... these are the phrases that we always use even thou we dont mean it at all.. a doc would say "everything gonna be ok" even thou u had cancer. Patient who has cancer, would say "I'm ok" to his/her frens and family.. and the family/fren would say "whatever ur decision is..I'm ok with it"... but why does ppl do that? Why do we say "ok" even thou everything is not OK at all... Why? Why? Mengapa? Tim Kai? Pachemy? .. becoz.. we are just a human...
and ppl need comforting words when they are in trouble... even know we know that saying "OK" will not change anything... but, we keep saying it... bcoz..we want to comfort each other, becoz, we love and care to each other... Hmm.. I'm not in the mood for blogging now. But then... I'm damn bored... too lazy to study. The weather seems to be " ok " again. Yesterday was snow blizzard... so there was a very thick snow all the way to my hospital. Not enjoying it, coz it's impossible to run in the thick snow... and now, the snow is melting ... it's 0 degree now... so.. tomorrow, I'm expectin
g a very2 dirty sidewalk... coz the snow gonna melt.. and when it melts... it's such an ugly sight and very2 uncomfortable for ppl like me who has to walk + run very2 far everyday.. and walking in the melted snow is like walking in the dirty drain.... Today, I broke my promise again. I promised not to buy any winter cloth again, but, since my fav winter jacket was being destroyed bcoz I cant unzipped it at the restaurant , and one of the restaurant waiter tried to help me... end up... spoling the zip.. so.. today, I bought a new one.. a very cheap one... couldnt be bother to buy a fancy one... but it's a pretty good jacket... double sided.. cool huh.. Ok.. since, today I have no pic to put here... and I really malas to upload all the pix in the camera.. gonna put some old pic.. 1st. home made banana cake.. 2nd.. the resort where we had our annual bbq in malaysia... 3rd.. ppl whom I always said.."ok".. coz I love them so much...
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
the days of our life....
Monday, February 12, 2007
weekend is over...

Saturday, February 10, 2007
my 101 post
hye everyone. 1st of all, I have 2 public apology to make. 1st, to those involved in the thai airways booking, I'm really sorry that the 750usd ticket is only valid for 2 weeks travel period. There had been some misunderstanding btwn few p
pl and I do regret all the inconvinience. 2nd. Sorry Miss Chin Joo, u are beautiful and damn sexy thou. ( this is just a personal apology but I promised her to make it public. So... lesson learned. "Hope for the best, but be prepared for the worst." Anyway, back to my student life now. Wow... I've been dying for weekend and I do feel great today. never appreciate a weekend this much... classes just started, and it had only been 3 days ... but ,I still cant get the hang of it... too tired.. waking up early in the morning and sleep early at nite, doesnt suit me well yet, since having a nocturnal life during the exam period last month. Hope everything will be back to normal soon. I bought t
he cheapest scarf in my life from mark & spencer. very2 cheap... it's kinda 90% off I think.. hehehe.. and also, new t-shirt for my Stitch from the "build ur own teddy factory". Wow... never thought a simple t-shirt for a very small size would cost me a bomb... hahahaha, to be honest, stitch t-shirt cost more than any other t-shirt I had when I was in standard one... bloody hell... anyway, I dont really mind. Since stitch is my best fren here.... I just dont really care how much does the t-shirt cost. Still remember I told everyone about giving away one of my aquarium fish? yes, the angle fish. Since she doesnt really mix well with the other fish in the tank, I bought a new home for her. Yup2... u might say those are unneccessary spenditure.. but.. I liked those stuff... and nothing more important than being happy... Hmm.. kak red, ape kes panggil adik beradik
nak lawan kite... kata nak mix team... ingat ni hari keluarga ke aper? hehehhe.. panggil la kwn2 yg keje nurse ker.. keje model ker... sedap la jugak mata memandang... heheheh.. ileks2... kak ween, selamat berpindah randah yer... lepas pindah tu bole la bakar rumah lama.. hehehehe... abg z, sorry la x le chat, skarang bz giler ngan kelas.. maybe some other time.. .. now, gonna enjoy my weekend to the fullest. Still gonna be in gynae ward for the next 2 weeks. So, in 7 days, technically, I only live 2 days without seeing vagina... hehehhe.. yes kak red.. i knew that I came into the world from there.. and I appreciate vagina very2 much ( pls, no offence to women).. tq
Friday, February 09, 2007
my 100th post.

p/s:- thanks everyone who stand up for me.. appreciate it. Life goes on. Kak red, jgn takut ek..saya janji xkan belasah team akak teruk2. dah ambik k.ween n k sha jadi keeper n striker.. kasi can skit kat kak red... heheheh
Sunday, February 04, 2007
sunday morning...

Saturday, February 03, 2007
Holiday is over...
"As doctors, we're trained to give our patients just the facts. But what our patients really want to know is - will the pain go away? Will I feel better? Am I cured? What our patients really want to know is - is there hope? But, inevitably, there are times when you find yourself in the worst case scenario. When the patient's body has betrayed them and all the science we have to offer has failed them. When the worst case scenario comes true, clinging to hope is all we've got left." Meredith Grays.
Hye everyone. Today is 3rd of february...meaning, I only have 5 more days left until my next sem started. So, it's totally suck. Actually, what happened was, my actual holiday started on 31 dec 2006. But......... the uni.. my university.. is very "creative" that, our exams will be held during the holiday period. So, out of 40 days holiday, we actually only have 10 days holiday... hate it so much... hmm.. so, since 5 more days left.. gonna use it to the fullest... a bit to late to travel anywhere now.. and I couldnt be bother to travel anywhere right now... need more rest.. and by "resting", i dont mean "sleeping".
Resting to me refers to sports + shopping + ps2 + internet + tv + movies + cooking/eating + sleep, and that is the real meaning of resting in my dictionary... hehehhe....so, whenever i said I am/was resting... I am refering to those kind of stuffs... heheh... ok.. today's story. We went to ramstore capital.. ( some kind of mall , something like megamall in m'sia). It's new, and that's our 1st time there.. so, actually was just looking around. But!!!... turned out that the winter SALE is still on there... and since it's kinda new, so there are still lots of stuff left ( not like other malls!!!) So, I end up investing more money to MEXX. Well, what can I do everyone.. It was 70% off!!!!... s
o, dont blame me.. It was f***ing cheap that I end up buying another pull over.. black, V-neck.. nice.. like it so much.. nope.. LOVE it...How much???? 1150rub.. around RM150... it's cheap for MEXX.. the real price was 2500rub (RM330). Since I love the brand so much... just cant resist it.. but.. I promise myself, that the shirt gonna be the last winter cloth I gonna buy... Insya Allah... hehehhe... ( since I'll be finish in a year time, no point buying too many winter cloth...).. Ok.. this week plan.. let's see. tomorrow futsal... then dinner with singapore airline boss ( I'm trying to get cheap ticket for this summer holiday..!!!!).. sunday... cross country sk
iing.... monday.. ice skating again... then come tuesday...then wed... and thursday.. class start.. arrrrrrrrrrgghhhhhhhhh... I'm back to the prison again... damn!!!... I love my life so much.... Sorry, the pic quality is not very good.. pix by my hp camera.... and one more thing.. to my lil sis.. get well soon.. missing u so much here... be tough.. be strong.. all problems and trouble can be overcome with strong will power.. and believe in urselves. There are more things in our life that are matters... and like the great Homer J simpson once said.. "If something is hard to be done, it's not worth it." ok.. heheheh ...dont listen to me... I'm just saying it.... it's a lot easier to be said than done... so, I'll just pray that u'll be back to normal soon.. cause.. .. hmmm.. ( I'm out of word!!!).. hmm.. cause we miss u.. ( good enuf???) .. bye.
Thursday, February 01, 2007
adik.. get soon well..
p/s to abg z, sorry bro, lame x online.. nanti kite chat lagi.. kak red, menang ke kalah futsal???
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