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Sunday, May 27, 2007
fever, part 2.
Friday, May 25, 2007
Fever again....

Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Massad 2007
MASSAD 2007, for those who didnt know what MASSAD is, it's the name given for our university annual grand dinner. Held every year, organized by 2nd year students. On the 1st thought, I couldnt be bother to attend this year dinner, but the promotion for this event is quite good, and I have some kind of feeling that FA CUP final wouldnt turn the way I wanted, so what the heck... I decided to buy the ticket which cost me 500rub (rm 90) which is quite cheap actually.
who's that guy huh? well, that guy came quite late becoz he played football before the dinner. When everyone else is ready and waiting for the bus, at 4.30pm that guy just came back home with sweaty shirt and dirty short. At 6,00pm then that guy is ready to go to the dinner. Took a cab, and arrived at the same time as the VIPS. What a great timing.... and yes... he missed the starter ( just salads ... no big deal).
The dinner went well, the food was good. We had indian food... not so suprising i guess. We had beriani, and all different types of gravies plus lambs bbq , fish, chicken curry which are quite a good deal since i only paid 500rub for it. Thanks to Thai airways as the main sponsor of the event, b'coz honestly in moscow, if u go to a proper restaurant, 500rub will get u nowhere.
The dinner ended at 11pm, it was a fun night - well done to the organizer, good job guys. Some of the performance was great, i love the disco dancing group... old school baby!!!!!... There was a after dinner party after that, with the concert and dance floor, but i couldnt be bother to join coz i was quite tired and need to wake up early the next day. -the end-
Friday, May 18, 2007
i need weekend..
--- gambar muka letih giler babeng lepas balik dari kelas------
adeih, x pasal chatterbox aku jadi medan pertempuran x berdarah antara dik red n lea... hehehe... abis la aku.....anyway.... x kesah pon, esok sambung lagi ek... jgn malu2... kalau x bosan gak xder org nak isi chatterbox tu... at least 2 org tu sebok2 gaduh2 kat situ.... ade jugak yg membuatkan aku tersenyum seorang diri ini....
ergghh... it has been a tough week for me... really need my weekend... so desperate for a break... i need football... need get rid of some fat!!!.... need to work out.. need badminton... hehheehee... need to get sweaty!!!.... dik red... nanti kite lawan badminton sampai 15 set nak? pastu bole pergi melantak .... lepas main 15 set x yah nak pikir pasal diet2 dah... hehehhe.. sape kalah nanti kene belanja... okiess????
I've been reading all the BKS assignment this week... some if them is really good... some of them is ok.. some need to improve a bit... but.. the comment will be sent to dik red besok sblm bulan purnama malam jumaat hari sabtu selepas hari khamis... so, tunggu jer la ek... jgn risau... xder nak laser2 org ni... hehehheeh.... tapi, kalau ade yg nak baiki sket2 tu.. bole lagi kot???? or dah x le dik red? coz... i'm not doing specialist on ENT .... yet.. just a GP to start with...(next year.. insya ALLAH)
"Be nice to people on your way up because you meet them on your way down."
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Miss Lucky.

WOW... BKS is really HOT now.. only 5 contestant left....and I've been chosen by dik merah to be the advokat for this week.... SO, how do i choose the winner for this week??? hmmm... THERE are a few method that could be applied here... maybe used the lucky draw, xpon pakai dadu... pastu komen kat para peserta... " biasa la... adat bertanding..... ade yang menang... ramai yang kalah... kpd yang kalah, terus la berusaha.... bla bla bla....."... hehehehe... OK x dik red ??? heheheh... kalau x le pakai cara ni... nak kene study dulu la... kene beli buku.. " how to judge BKS for dummies" heheheh.... anyway.... we'll see...
Alhamdulillah... LUCKY....

SO, since the premiership is ended.... and the FA CUP final gonna be on this saturday, i think there is nothing much left for this semester....more final exams coming, gonna reach another ending of another chapter in my life.... SUMMER break is like a new chapter in my life.... so far, it has been 5 chapter in MOSCOW.... one more left.... hmmm.... i think i'm gonna miss this place so much.....
Sunday, May 13, 2007

Sunday, May 06, 2007
the end of premiership???

Saturday, May 05, 2007
the reunion - Jebon Journey part 2
Friday, May 04, 2007
Jebon n the gang part 1
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
ST pete