" the nephew gonna grow up and become as handsome as his uncle, but, the uncle will get younger and become as cute as his nephew" .... -Hannan , sept '07-
Frankfurt city, germany, what a lovely place. Hasnun told me that frankfurt is also known as city of "porshes". But, after a day of observation at the road and the parking lot, i didnt see much of them. Doesnt really matter thou, becoz Frankfurt, has a lot of beautiful places, piece of art-buildings and very2 friendly people ( unlike the other city of Germany - guess which one? not Bingen for sure!) . As we entered the shops, the salesgirl/man will greet us , politely , and when we were leaving, even not buying anything - they still say cheeeerrsss... meaning good bye in the most friendly way!

after few days staying in Germany, we get used to the term of HB - haupbanhoff - meaning main train station. But, the train in Germany is very2 expansive compared to the other european country. Nevertheless... the train system is very2 reliable and very well organize.

had a great fun here in frankfurt. Did a liltle bit of shopping. ( theraphy katanya kak red!). I was hoping to avoid shopping all the way during my eurotour, but the SALES were very2 tempting. Believe me, if u were there, u'll end up spending a bit here and there also!
Since hasnun is a profesional photographer, i didnt have much photos with him in it. Plus, comparing my slim compact camera to his DSLR, I just kept mine more as an accessories. Yup.. thinking of getting my own DSLR too... but that thing is really expansive.. isnt true Lilly?

My stitch met a german fren !