Not the most anticipated news of this year for me I guess. However, I'm not that suprised about this. 2 years of housemanship.... I believe there are both , pros and cons of this new rule. Frankly speaking, as a future HO - I would rather have 1 year housemanship. Unfortunately, our government have different view about it. Huh... what can i say then. Nothing much I can do rite now, and this new rule not gonna change no matter how much I blog about it. So, for the love of God, just let's forget it for the time being. I have all the time in the world to worry about it.... 8-9 more months ... hopefully. Live for the moment baby!!!! oooyyeeaassss!!!
I havent been updating my blog for the past few days. Why? Coz I have been sleeping a lot! 3 days in a row, I slept at 9pm and woke up at 6pm! That was 9 hours sleep everyday.! What a healthy life. But, in order to achive that so called "healthy life" I had to sacrifice my study hour, my blogging hour, my ps2 hour... which are a lot of valuable hours of my life! So today, thing gonna change, not gonna sleep by 9 pm coz I have a lot of stuff to be done, some revision to do and last but not least - watch the game of the week - england vs croatia. ( yes, england - the LUCKY bastard team!). I'm an england fan, but I'm so dissapointed by their performance in these qualifiying games! What a waste of talent Mr Mclaren! Anyway, enuf for tonite - gonna hit the shower... adios amigos!!!
NEWS FLASH!!! hip hip hooorrrayy!!!.... England lost 3-2 to croatia, meaning england didnt qualified for euro2008! YESS... I'm an england fan, but with Mclaren in charge of the team, they dont deserve to win! Crap, should have change the manager long time ago! Sven Ericson would have done much better!
and here the 3 girl scouts - sya, shida and sue. Three best friends, the musketeer, three future docs, 3 - whatever it is. :P. Anyway, we all had fun, shall we go there again girls???
"The best way to cheer yourself is to cheer somebody else up"
I did this personality test, and as expected, when the result came out... I'm a bloody entertainer, a creator, an energetic kinesthetic and linguistic. I agree with all of that, but the linguistic part! hahaha... If u know me well, u should agree with this test result as well... hahaha... u all should try !