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Thursday, January 31, 2008
You and Me
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Hannan Ceasar Salad :)
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Girls Day Out???
Dont let the photos in this entry cloud ur judgement. The JPA still hasnt banked in our allowance yet. Even so, since I've not been out to the Mall lately, we decided to have a lil visit to MegaMall. The MegaMall here is the place where u can meet Malaysian day in, day out. There will always be Malaysian students here. This Mall isnt my fav place , but since it's pretty near to our home , so let it be - plus the weather was pretty cold today. Other shopping malls are quite far since I dont have a car here. Plus this MegaMall is easily accessible via public transport and I dont really plan on shopping for clothing or whatsoever - let's just go there.Well, the real purpose is to get some grocery at the Auchan ( big hypermarket like TESCO) But then, as we walk thru the boutique, the discount posters kept flashing and there was not many ppl around ( i hate shopping in the big crowd) , so what the heck rite.. let's just take a look what inside :)
Monday, January 28, 2008
What to do?

My previous eurotour really cost a lot actually , the overall spenditure of 2 person , travelling around europe , was enuf to buy a car! ( nice second hand car ). It does come across my mind that , if I safe all my money instead of travelling everywhere , I would be rich now (Well, that's what my Mama told me ) and it's kinda true if u look at financial side. But, if u look at the different view - the experience I got from travelling around the world if priceless! ( the rest, there is mastercard ) hehhehe.. It's true. Maybe If I saved all money instead of travelling, I would have bought my own car rite now, but ? what's the point. Car is getting cheaper these days and the cost of travelling around europe getting more expensive. So, if u asked me whether I regretted spending all my money on travelling? My straight answer is NO.. hehe ( sorry Mama) Anyway, talking about cars, I'm hoping this car above would be my 1st car. Well, not like I'm gonna buy this car straight away when I start working , maybe a bit later. It's pretty obvious that I'm gonna beg for my mom mercy to borrow me one of her car to kickstart my life later ( love u Mom!) have a great week everyone !
Sunday, January 27, 2008
End of the road ???

Saturday, January 26, 2008
Motivated :)
Well , that's all from me tonite, I'm off to bed. Tomorrow, let's just hope for the best. I'm praying to God that everything will turn out great. Thanks a lot everyone for the wishes :) Have a wonderful weekend. Adios amigos!!!
Friday, January 25, 2008
Waitin around the bend
Homer : Well, he's got all the money in the world, but there's one thing he can't buy.
Marge : What's that?
Homer : A dinosaur
Morning planet earth! SMILE :) My previous entry did cause a bit of tension and stir among the women readers, but I have to say that the guys are lovin it! eheheh... another man bliss is another women melancholy rite. I visited some of my frens' blog and some of them are having , we called the "love problem" or something like that. Unfortunately, I'm not a love doctor and I'm not pretty sure how good am I about Love. However, no need to worry, Erni and Chika because we have our Love Doc here! Go to her site and share ur sad story. I'm sure she could come out with a good solution. But, if our doc love still can handle ur case, u have to go to the upper level, which in this case, u can send ur sad love letter to my beloved kak red! Mem merah oiii.. tolong la anak2 dara yg dalam kesedihan ini! The last measure, u could click on the MalaysiaDream girl advertistment below and register ur name to join this reality tv show. Someway, somehow - eventually u should find the answer to ur love dilemma!
What am I doing rite now? Well, I do have some of the exam notes in front of me at this moment and I always have my notes with me all the time. Just for the sake of having it around. My concentration level is pretty much degrading rite now. But , should be enuf for my next exam this saturday :) Still and all, I'm still hoping for the lady luck and pls pray for my success everyone! Hahah.. After years in med school, I realized that LUCK does played a big role during the exams. Well, u need to read thousand of pages toward the exam, and u'll only be answering , the most about 10 pages from the books. If u forgot to read the last 10 pages, and ur question during exam is about the last 10 pages, u r doomed even thou u read the other 100001 pages. Hence, never undermine the power of LUCK :)
P/S - I used the Mozilla Firework to view my blog yesterday, and I strongly believe that my blog is better view via the Internet Explorer , even thou IE is very much unreliable :)
Thursday, January 24, 2008
we are after the same rainbow

I do receive a few offer for the part time job I m looking for. Driver, bouncer, personal bodyguard, baby sitter, waiter ... wow.. pretty much a long list here. I'm very much serious about this thing, no kidding everyone. So, pls - come with real offer babes!!! hahaha... But my limit is only a month, maximum. No worry, I'm a good worker. Hahahah.. No kidding! But make sure the pay is appropriate. Not too little, and I dont mind if I'm overpaid!
So tired of studying at this moment. Really had enuf! I wish I could go on holiday. Just wanna close my eyes and sleep by the pool side. Lovely! How I wish! But, according to my financial advisor, it wont be happening anytime soon. Yeah, during this period ( near end of the month) , the most popular website I'll be visiting everyday are the Maybank2u and the JPA website. After that, when the money is already there, my next fav website will be the ebay!!! I just cant wait for friday>>> it's payday!!!
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
My Huckleberry friend

But, if any guys out there who need an insider tips on how to ask a girl out thru internet, u should check her blog. However, u must be extra quick, coz "she" wont be single for too long anymore. Rumours said that the " rombongan meminang" will reach her house by March. Still plenty of time thou. Whoever interested , just keep tuning to my blog. I'll put her on SALE soon!!! hahhaha...
Wow, I'm really serious about the so called "my dream jobs" before I become a doc. Yes, I know being a doc isnt an easy task and I'm totally well aware about it. Trying to do other work before I commited myself into the health business doesnt mean that I'm undermining the doctor's profession. It's just an instinct of mine, urging me to do something else for a change. Wow, the offer for babysitter sound interesting. I would even be a kitchen helper! No problemo there :) There is just a moment in our life, we just want to do something crazy, something that unplanned, something that we never thought will be in our life. That will add the extra spice in our life, making it more interesting... more flavour..more everything !!!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
breakfast at tiffany!

Growing up in the era of 90 and the new milleneum the name of audrey hapburn isnt so familiar with me, until today. I know that there's a movie named after the famous Tiffany and Co , and I know there's a song - Breakfast at Tiffany by the band Deep Blue Something. Since I was kinda free last nite, I decided to watch this movie "Breakfast at Tiffany" after getting a good review from Shida. Well, I have to admit that Audrey Hapburn is such a beauty and sorry to say , that in my naked eyes Angelina Jolie looks ugly standing next to her (if they were the same age ). But needless to say that Mrs Pitt is a lot pretty than Audrey at this very moment :P
me : Hi mom... how's everyone doing?
mama : everyone is good... so, what's up?
me : no.. nothing, just calling to say "hi". Plus I just passed my exam.
mama : owh, glad to hear that... so u are one step closer then.
me : yeah " kalau tiada aral melintang" . The JPA/SPA interview will be on this March
mama : lovely, so u should start working early then...
me : that's what worry me
mama : why? It should be a good news.
me : well, I want to celebrate "aidil fitri" first, then start working...
mama : u should be able to get day off
me : better be
mama : ahahaha.... dont worry
My parent just cant wait to see me start working, but not me. I wish , I could do something else , before I dedicated the rest of my life into the health business. Did u watched the Bee Movie? Yeah, it's something like that. For once in my life, I just want to do something difference. I have a list here of kinda work I would love to do before I start being a doctor
1) Parking Vellet / Door bitch at the 5 star hotel
2) work at the StarBucks
3) Kindergarden teacher
4) race car driver
5) car dealer
well, the truth is, the list is too long but, these are the main jobs I would like to do. Anyone can help me with this? Let me do it for a month , before I get married to the hospital? Hahaha.. I'm crazy, but I'm just living my life. Well, if u could get me the job from the list, do contact me please :) I'm serious about this. If I dont do this before I start working , I'll be missing a lot in my life. The only job I did before ( which I got paid for ) was being a graphic designer and the printing company. Yup, I just want to go outside the box and explore the world!!!!
Monday, January 21, 2008
Engine is dead

I love shopping but, if compared to shida or elyn , I'm considered the smart shopper! Those 2 took hours just to buy a scarf!!! ( sorry dear!) I need less than 10 mins to buy everything! Haahaha... I saw what I wanted, and that's it. It's all over. Yes, I know - it's becoz I'm guy and they are not. But, i just cant understand it :P Hhahaha.. No wonder Shida is so sad , waiting for Elyn to come back here.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Wet Blanket
As u can see in the pic above, I was busy sewing my "selimut busuk!" . hahah.. It's not "busuk" , I always wash it , now and then. The blanket actually was given by my Mom when I first came here. Technically I've been using it for the past 6 years!!! It's made from a very high quality material and it's so comfortable. Nevertheless, being a man, u tend to destroy thing. It's just in our nature. So, after years of usage, I found a few tears and at backside of the blanket. The front still look as good as a new one. So , I changed from a nerd med student into a desperate housewife last nite , sewing the blanket ( with the help of shida of course!) U wanna see my sewing? Errmm.. it's too delicate even the camera cant catch it.. sorry.. hahahhahaah.....
Saturday, January 19, 2008

Alhamdulillah!!! Everything went well during the exam today. I passed it with flying colours!!! It was actually the State Exam , compulsory for the future docs in Russia ; so after sitting the MCQ test, we had to sit for oral test in front of 3 surgeons!!! I was shaking and for the first few minutes during the oral test I just kept mumbling, the words seemed to be stucked somewhere inside my throat. But then, after a while, I managed to pull myself together and went all the way. The final words came from the surgeons mouth was " this kid is good!" I was so proud. Well, at least all the hard work paid off!!!
But, on top of that , I would like to thank every single one of u for praying for my success and the non-stop good luck wishes!!! I'm so sorry that I've not been able to reply all the comments and I've not been visiting ur blogs! Really appreciate everyone who always dropped by here just to check on me! I really appreciate that and I feel like u guys are a part of my family too, giving me strength to go thru all these :) Thanks a lot again!
Friday, January 18, 2008
Waiting and waiting...
Back home, I'm back to my study materials. Wow... the list for the exam seems to be infinity and this preparation it's like a never ending story. Keep reading and reading... and at this very moment, my brain need its break again. So here I am, writing my blog! Wow, there were a lot of comments on where should I do my HO. Since I have a lot of frens here from the east malaysia, Sarawak and Sabah suddenly become so popular!!! hHAhaa.. thanks guys! I do have a thought of working there ( sabah or sarawak) , but frankly speaking I had enuf of air-travelling. Furthermore , if I choose to work there - I might end up working there for the rest of my life :) Nevertheless , never say never rite. We'll never know.
Some of u might realize that I've been wearing cap lately. The truth is, I dont like wearing cap, and I wish I dont have to wear it. But the problem was, my hair was a bit too long and it's making me look untidy. That's when the cap come into the picture, to cover up the mess. So, I had my haircut just now at the beauty saloon nearby. Some ppl been complaining that the hair saloon was a bit too expensive. But then, it's moscow and 200rubles (rm 30) per haircut is considered pretty cheap actually. To those who wanna see my new hairstyle, wait for tomorrow entry. Have a great and wonderful day everyone. Start ur day with a big smile :)
Thursday, January 17, 2008
no.. nothing!
Someone tagged me :) thanks dear. At least I have something to write before I continue my conquest to become a doctor! It's 2.35 am , and I'm still awake. Still in the "turbo" mode. Study, study and study. That's the only thing in my mind rite now. I really need a break. Umm... Occay, back to the pic above, this is my computer screen snap shot photo. Yes, no fancy wallpaper, just a plain background colour for me. I like simplicity! This background has been my wallpaper ever since I bought this laptop. Hardly changed it. I prefer the screen to be empty, since there are always a lot of thing going on my mind. Sometimes, u just need "nothing". Nothing is good, sometimes. But most of the times, ppl need everything... :)
These are the list of the hospitals in Malaysia , where I might do my internship. Heard that the JPA + Health ministry officers are coming to moscow in March to interview us. I havent decided yet , which hospital to choose. No final decision about it yet. This is decision that will determine the next phase of my life and I have to say, it's not an easy one. Sighh... Not the right moment to think about it during my final exam period. Nevertheless, I do have a rough idea about my future decision. I want to work somewhere not too far from my parent, just in case something emergency happen to them and otherwise. BUT, not too near to my parent coz I have to say, I really need my freedom :) Not gonna work in the big city since I had enuf of metropolitan life. If u think traffic jammed is KL is a nightmare, u wont believe the traffic here. The city council even plan to make road over the building to deal with the traffic incongestion here. So, not gonna work in KL. Sarawak and Sabah, hmmmm at this very moment, last on the list.. hehehe...
not sure where to work yet... idea? idea? idea?
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Me , myself and surgery

No stupid quotes today as I couldnt come out with any. Been so busy today!!! yes, with studying and reading and revising and bla bla bla. I really need a haircut rite now. But , I feel so lazy to go out from my room during this period. It's like a sin not having a book nearby at this final moment u know. Even if u are not reading the books, u feel better if u have the book somewhere nearby - ready to be read if suddenly u come across something u didnt know. Yeah.. yeah ... bring the books and the notes to the saloon rite... that's so not me :) heheheh.. I'm sure what I'm typing rite now. I guess I'm not fully concious. Erm... maybe I should go to sleep first. But then, I dont think I could sleep soundly if I dont go thru some of the question first... errm... what to do.. what to do... errmm.. Occay.. let me think... I need a quote now.. I need a very inspirational quote.... " dont study too hard, not good for health" .. ok.. not good enuf . Next , " the more u read, the more u need to know, so stop reading" better rite? ... occay.. one more.. " there is more to live for than just the final exam" hehehe... a lot better :)
Occay, someone -please come out with something for me to write... pls.. :P
Monday, January 14, 2008
I'm waiting for you
Few more days left until my exam. I've been studying a lot. Been sleeping late, and woke up late too :P . Obviouly nothing interesting happening rite now except for the more I read, the more I realize how many more I need to know. It's kinda suck actually because in medicine , there is no way u could understand every disease thoroughly. There's hardly such Dr as Dr House in real life. Everyone makes mistakes. Every doctors - at some points do make mistakes. Minor or major. Like the new-malay saying goes " Sedangkan Dato Chua made mistake , inikan pula Med-Students"
Yes, it's a joke. Nevertheless, it's a fact too. Hehehe.. If only I could say such thing during my exam this saturday! I dont think the examiners know who's Dato' Chua is!!! Maybe I shall use that phrase when I become the HO later. Hhehehe.. Anyway, I need to get back to my books now. Will update again later. Have a wonderful evening everyone!
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Gambatte Kudasai!!!

Saturday, January 12, 2008
Morning Coffee???
When we visit other ppl house, the host usually will serve tea of coffee for the guest. Usually, being a polite guest, I'll just drink whatever ppl served me. But , if it's possible, I would rather have plain water rather than any other drink. So, take a note everyone here, if i ever visit ur house, served me with plain water ... hehehe... see, I'm a very good guest! Will cause u no trouble . I can live without other type of water but plain water for years. Few years back, started from the secondary school, Coke was my fav drink. Anyplace, anytime - I'll order Coke. But, being in medical field and knowing how much carbonated drink would kill us , I'll try to avoid them. Nevertheless, life is too short to be too careful right? Even u never touch Coke, u can still die of lung cancer caused by the smokers around u! Hahaha..
- I have a single lady fren who's looking for a boyfriend. Wait, actually I have 2 frens who are looking for Mr Right! Not gonna mention their name here. ( see, I'm good at keeping secret rite chika, erni? ) . Now, I'm waiting for their photos to be published here in my blog. Gonna organize a new competition soon! Win A Date with these 2 ladies!!! Coming Soon here!
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Ting Tong!
Today's Hans Favourite Song - Girlfriend , Omarion and Bow Wow
I believe everyone had a good laugh with my previous entry. Well, me myself couldnt believe how much I have changed from the guy in that yellow shirt into the guy I am rite now. Yes Norz, if u want a better complextion, come here to moscow. Hhahaha.. U'll get fairer, no doubt about that. Well, it's proven rite? Becoz here u dont get sunlight most of the time. It's always dark and gloomy here , especially during this winter period. ( except during the summer time - the sunshine is unbearabe!)
Nevertheless, since I had revealed my "old-skul" photos, I challenge those ppl who laugh at the guy in the yellow shirt to do the same thing! hahahah.. Come on Lily, Norz, Mrs Sheikh, Waliz ,Ziana, Azra, Sweetiepie, Erni , Ummi, Combi and others .... hehehe... I'm sure we all would love to see ur "classic" photos collection too!!! Come guys, go to ur house attic, ur garage, ur underground store, go and find ur old photo album and put the photos in ur blog! It's gonna be fun!!! I'll be waiting :)
I've been studying really hard lately. This surgery final exam really killing me. Last nite, I went to a fren's house - locked myself in the room and did a non stop studying from 7 pm to 3 am. I need a place without internet connection in order for me to concentrate fully on my studies. It was a very tiring nite, and today I'm not pushing myself too much. There is so much pressure someone could take. But not gonna be a relaxing nite for me. No more rest until the end of this month. So, everyone wish me luck and dont forget the challenge!!! Adios :)
Who's this cute lil baby? Mohammad Naizryl Agha and his mom, Kak Liz. She "demanded" me to put her baby's photo in my blog! So, there u go sist :) He's so adorable rite , just like his uncle here, heheheh... Hye sist - when I'm gonna meet my cute little nephew ? Bring him to Moscow for my graduation!!! Occay sist? So, to all the mommies with cute little daughers who wanted to be this kid mother in law, u could contact me thru my emails occay. He's currently single and available. Yes, only the baby is single. Unfortunately, the mother is still married. Too late guys, too late... hehehee... Occay, with the power given by the Unregistered Hot Doctors to be , I hereby give the mother of the month award to Kak Liz!!!
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Some more blast from the past!!!

So, there u are - a lil history about my school era :) There were a lot more interesting stories, but I assume not everyone here want to read about it? Do you? Hehehe... Enuf for today, I'll be gone for tonite. I need to go to a place without internet connection tonite so I could concentrate on my surgery textbook. Tata everyone :) Good Nite.
Blast from the past

Today's Hans Favourite Song - Baby Love - Nicole Scherzinger
My laptop suddenly crashed this morning. Well, to be honest , that wasnt the 1st time. Lately, it becomes a bit slow and slower. I decided to clean up the hard disk, and uninstall a few unused programme. Since my photos collection took the biggest space in my hard disk, I wanted to move all the old photos into the cds. During the process, I found these photos. It was taken 3 years ago. During our teenagers days :) Those were the time when I dont have to worry about how close I'm of being a doc. I'm a type of guy who live my life for the moment. I dont really think that far ( but it doesnt mean I dont think about my future) But, for me - I take a day , as a day. Whatever gonna happen after 3 days, I'll think about it after 3 days.
p/s - anyone wanna see my pics during my secondary school era? Anyone??? hahahhaa ...
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
First time
Today's Hans Favourite Song - First time - Rihanna
Hallluuu everyone! Sorry if the jokes above offended anyone :) It's just a joke anyway. I'm still in my winter break. Studying hard for my surgery final exam , in the middle of this month. Blogging is a way I'm releasing my stress and tension. After being a student for so many years , I realized few paterns of how students have their own way of studying. Some student, which I categorized as the "bookworm" , they could spend most of their time , reading and studying. These kind of students are the usually are the good students with good or excellent grades. The second type of student, I called it , the "nitro/turbo". These students, didnt spend much times studying , but they have a very good short term memory and they can digest a lot of thing in so little time. These group are considered the "lucky bastard" students. Sometimes, they are the best in the class, sometime... they are not. I honestly think I belong to the second group :) heheheh.. in other word, I'm the lazy one! Hahaha... Yes , yes, I know. No need to blabber. I'm becoming a doc and I should be more serious in my studies. The truth fact is, I'm! Very Serious. I even have my stitch to supervise me when I'm studying :) Occay, now - I'm going back to the books, will update again later : ) Thanks for reading my blog and I love u all . Do pray for my success.
Monday, January 07, 2008

Saturday, January 05, 2008
Bye-bye Kids :)
Friday, January 04, 2008
Congratulation... and the winner is :)
Tuah ayam nampak di kaki, tuah manusia, siapa yang tahu la kan? Congratulation Miss Erni!!!! Hahahah... 30ml perfume is urs!!! Ok, send me the list of ur fav perfume. I'll get it for u occay? ( just one from the list la babe :) But u'll only get it when I go back home to Malaysia.... as I said before. Deal Erni?
It's coming :)
If there are more than 1 person who get the 10,000 visitor screen photo, the fastest person who send the screen photo to my email is the winner. Every second counts :)
This is my baby nephew ... Baby Umar... How i miss u dude. Hmmm.. I bet he didnt recognize me at all. Being here since he was borned... I didnt see him a lot. But it's ok! Uncle is coming back soon!!! ( no worry, I'll bring the perfume back with me to give to the lucky winner today :)
A new day, the same old me, but a new fresh mind :) Well, nothing much changed actually. I just had my morning shower after a long sleepless nite. The truth is, my head is really spinning rite now. Trying to figure out what went wrong with me. I know life is suck, but today- I officially confirmed that life is a bitch. No doubt about that and there's no way u could run away from that. I came out with a new motto for my life , if life is a bitch, and I cant run away from it, just be one of them. Hahaha.. Well, it's a lot easier that way. A few fake smiles and laughters wont hurt. Sometimes , being honest isnt the best way in life... hipocrites and liars - do bring a lot of smile and happiness.... u cant deny that rite :) Have a good day everyone