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Monday, March 31, 2008
Happy Bday han teo
Saturday, March 29, 2008
tentang saya

happy weekend everyone... :)
Friday, March 28, 2008
Stories of my life

Nonetheless, GOD did work in a very mysterious way. On the final day of the basketball tournament , I was informed that I won the essay writing competition , state level and I had to go to the prize giving ceremony. But, I couldnt care less about the essay award since the basketball trophy meaned a lot more to me. It so happened that my mom was one of the invited guest for the same ceremony which I was supposed to attend and get my prize for my winning essay. I asked my junior to attend the ceremony and took the prize for me while I was playing the final match. On the final match, we won the game and I got my dream trophy. So, technically - I won 2 medal at the same day on 2 different occasion. But, the story didnt end here.
A week later, my parent came to visit me at the school and my mom mentioned that she heard my name was announced as the essay writing winner. I told my mom that I didnt know that I won the 1st place, therefore I asked a fren to go and received it on my behalf. Should I knew that I got the 1st place, I would have been there. Then my mom was like.. "owh.. is that so.. nevermind then , I was just suprised to hear ur name being announced as the winner and I was more suprised to see another ppl who turned up for it" ...
Sorry Mom, I didnt mean to lie to you. I was just a kid back then, and until today, I'm still a kid. My stubborn attitude does caused me a lot of troubles - until this very moment. I might get lucky in some cases, but most of the time , I ended up hurting myself or the people around me. When I look again about that day, I could have encountered another asthma attack and it would have disrupted my preparation for the SPM and I wouldnt be here now. I did a lot of silly and stupid mistakes and luckily I have my parent ,my loved one and my frens to bail me up in a few occasion. However, I do realize that I might ran out of luck soon. There were times , I'm just uncontrolable. How I wish I could be a better person. I need a change ,it's about time and I'm working hard toward it... and I'm trying my best..
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
the meeting

Yesterday, we had our meeting for the graduation day. The meeting was held at the lecture hall , at the university. I havent been inside the lecture hall for years. The last time I had lecture there was 3 years ago I reckon. Since I entered my clinical years, everything happened at the hospitals. Nowdays, the only reason I go to the university is to go to the Dean office to renew my visa and my registration.

I am delegated into the "Robe team" lead by Juani ( in the pix above) Well, basically she did the whole job. Me? I just do the labour work :P I'm not sure why she choosed me to be in her team. I'm the laziest person in the world ( in some cases!) hahahah.. But I did my part and she's content enuf with my job so far.

Here, we have to organize our own graduation day, unlike in Malaysia. I heard the same thing happened in Germany and other european country. That's why we have to get everything done by ourselves. For instance , my team is designated to rent the robe for the graduation day. Therefore, we have to contact all the companies which in this business and get the best deal. Luckily, everything went well at the moment, and let's hope everything get done soon enuf.
So, that's it. So much for a graduation day rite. Hahhaa. Frankly, I'm not that excited compared to my other frens. Since my parent are not coming for my graduation - it's not my top priority. I told my parent not to come coz they are too old and my mom is really not into travelling. But, if anyone want to come for my graduation day, u are most welcome!!!!
P/S - Let's watch Beckham plays for england tonite!!!! go BECKHAM!!!
Acceptance ?
occay... enuf of the crap rite. Ppl already knew about this, but some just tend to ignore it :) Nothing new about that rite. It's just a small reminder to everyone out there , and of course a big reminder for me too. Careful on ur way up , be nice to everyone - u'll meet the same ppl on the way down. BUT, dont be too nice, until the extend that others took advantage of ur kind hearted. That's purely stupidity. Be kind and smart. Well , it's actually - be smart and kind hearted :) that's more appropriate in this tricky new modern age!
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
what a day
Today is also going to be a very busy day for me. Since I missed of a lot of "need to be done" stuff last nite, today not gonna be a walk in the park for me. Urm. Am I stressed out rite now? Well , not much..just a bit. Just cant wait for today to be over.... :P
Monday, March 24, 2008
U can be my umbrella

Sunday, March 23, 2008
Liver - what? liver-fool???

Isn't it a wonder?
However - this is just my 2 cents. Nothing new and I believe a lot of ppl have written about the same thing also :P If u r wondering about my political stands of the 2 big party in Malaysia today - my diplomatic answer would be " both side have some valid points and it's worth hearing". That's all and I choose to stick to that until the day that me myself would run for the election. ( which will not happen )
Thursday, March 20, 2008
unpredictable :)

Occay - u wont be able to see this "tractor" in Malaysia? Why .. because this is the snow excavator/ snow cleaner / snow collector . That long end will be connected to the lorry - the bring the collected snow - somewhere else ( maybe to the africa?)
I had no class today , due to the science day. I was supposed to attend the conference at the university - technically speaking. Nonetheless , due to the some unexpected circumstances ( I was so lazy) - i just stay rotten at home. However , for the first time this year, my broadband connection was down for quite for hours in the afternoon - which really pissed me off. Maybe it's the karma for not going to the conference. :P
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Jonas Brothers

Man utd is playing Bolton tonite, that explain the early update from me today :) Tomorrow supposedly - is a day off for our university. It's called the Science Day or the Piragov's Day. ( Piragov is the man who found my university - The Russian State Medical University) Well, actually the real deal about this science day is that all students are supposed to go to the university and listen to all the conferences about the latest science researches. Unfortunately, not many students are interested in it. Not very suprising I have to say. So, let's see what I'm gonna do tomorrow. Previous year, I actually attended the conference :)
it's not over yet :)

Let's forget about this "real doctor" stuff for the timebeing and let's talk about the LOVE :) Yes, one of the main event in LOVE is the break up :P Indeed . I've been there for quite a few times and those were the times I wish I never need to go thru again... EVER! Nevertheless, it's not us to decide... those are God's decision rite. But, here are a few tips to make a clean break. Well, the most famous one is " well... it's not u , it's me... bla bla bla. " This one is pretty much world wide proven as the best break up line.
However - no matter how u express it , make sure that u emphasize about ur undying affection and gratitude for the time u spend together ,coupled with ur need for space to find out who u really are. This is the best diplomatic way to end a relationship :P . It's a lot of crap ( so does diplomatic) ... which is understood by both side.
Yes, I'm too free rite now that's why I'm writing about this stuff. I wish we all dont have to go thru this process in our life. But , shit happens rite :)
p/s - if she cries , hold her in ur arm - whisper to her that it's what best :P
crap crap and another crap.... hehehhee.... no worry - my for shida is endless!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
It's getting nearer :)
bla bla bla bla........ sukacita menawarkan kepada tuan pelantikan :- 1604 PEGAWAI PERUBATAN GRED UD41 :)
all I need to do is, get my degree certificate this july and send it to the SPA and JPA ... and I'm done :) Half way becoming a doctor !!!
Nonetheless, behind all the big smiles, I have to say the interview was really nerve wrecking for me. I was scheduled on the afternoon session to be interviewed by the board 3. It so happened , during the morning session - a student failed , from the board 3. That wasnt a good news and it did scare the hell out of me. I had more than just butterflies flying in my stomach. Everything was there.... the beetles, the cockcroaches , the dragon flies - having a garden party in my stomach - yeah, it was really neurotic and tense moment of my life.
Apparently, the panels did ask a lot of medical questions which we didnt expected that much. The rumours said that the interview wont be concentrated about the medical stuff.... which eventually proven wrong. I have to say that the interview was more like the final exam for internal medicine. It was really suck because most of us were not fully prepared for that. Yeah, some of u might think that we ( meds students) should know all the medical stuff , all the times. However, needless to say students are still students until we start working at the hospital. Theory is just not as good as the practical.
Occay, back to the interview :) My name was the second last on the list for the afternoon session. So, I had to wait for quite a long time. I was there ( at the hotel) since 1.30 pm , and my turn was t 5.30pm. As I entered the boardroom, all those edgy-jittery feeling was suddenly gone and I managed to get myself together and answered all the questions - with full of confidence ( not very sure that all my answers were the right one :P ) But eventually, I came out from the boardroom with a big SMILE and the first thing came to my mind - Thank you GOD for making everything went smoothly :)
Hereby, I would like to thank everyone - first and foremost my parent :) love u mama n papa. To all of u out there who prayed for my success today - thank you guys... to all my dear frens - ur simple good luck wishes - mean a lot to me. This is just another new beginning of my life :) A lot challenges are waiting ahead of me... I'm pretty sure about that. But, for the time being - let's just enjoy the moment... :P
Monday, March 17, 2008
the interview
me : salam mama
mama : salam
me : the SPA interview is tomorrow
mama : it's a good news then....
me : few unfortunate students failed....
mama : ooooo... is that so...
me : yes , I thought they just gonna passed everyone..
mama : nothing to be afraid of...
me : hahahaha... is it?
mama : afraid of what? Talking to the board?
me : errmmm....
mama : out of all the ppl in the world??? dont tell me u cant talk .. hahaha..
me : let's just pray that everything will turn out just fine ...
mama : for sure. I'll pray for u :)
I have to admit that my mom has more confidence in me than me , myself. There were times - I had this doubt about my own confidence and self esteem. Everytime I bumped into these problems , I just talk to my mom and most of the time - I got my confidence back. Being a normal human being - u always need someone to reassure u, u always need someone to keep u pushing hard, someone to keep u running and I'm so lucky that I have my mom and dad, my love one , my blog readers and my frens to be there for me. Nonetheless, on top of all that - I'm thankful to God for giving me this good life :)

Sunday, March 16, 2008
Good Boy gone bad!
Saturday, March 15, 2008
an innocent mistake
So I met this girl the other day, I got her number and called her up ..
but i really dont .... :P . THis conversation never took part to start with, just a part of the lyric from Mario latest single :) Anyway, I'll be back with more updates soon. Wish me well everyone!
Monday, March 10, 2008
is it a new world?

anywhoo... I know that my readers dont come here just to read about the politic issues... yeah, I might be the last person on earth who should talk about it. So, let's just do what I do best - talk about myself :P Yeah, to bring the best out of u, just do what u do best and dont do what u are suck in it. If u r not good enuf to be a leader, dont enter the election. SimPLe :) But, sometimes, we just want to take the chance, take the risk, ask for the extra card... bla bla bla... in another word, let's gamble on it rite? Some ppl get lucky, the other went bankrupt. If u can afford to lose, it's ok to gamble. If u have nothing to lose, it's still occay to gamble, if u are in the middle... better take the safer road .... I have no idea what the heck I'm writing rite now. It's 2 am here in moscow and currently I'm inside my blanket, writing this entry.... i'm so sleepy.... going to sleep now... come n join me... ladies only plssssssssss... :P
Saturday, March 08, 2008
8th March 2008

Nevertheless, I would like to take this chance to wish all the ladies out there, a very happy women's day. Lots of LOVE from me.... have a lovely weekend ahead!
Friday, March 07, 2008
Ouch ...

I was reading the news at earlier and there is one article/report mentioning that car park in Kota Bharu is the most expensive in Malaysia. RM 1 per hour. Hmmmm.. wondering, how many ppl would believe this one. I'm not on BN or PAS or KEADILAN side , I'm neutral :) - BUT, living in Kelantan long enuf, and I do drive everyday in Kota Bharu everytime I go back home for summer holiday , I know that the roadside parking in KB wont cost that much. Sigh...
Thursday, March 06, 2008
12 am
MAN UTD made it thru into the champions league quater final last nite - not to anyone suprise after beating Lyon 1-0. Another day , another victory for us - ONE UNITED :) Rite now I'm watching the match btwn Real Madrid vs As Roma thru this internet live streaming. It's definitly worthy paying for the broadband here coz with the speed provided , technically it is fast enuf for anything available in the net world.
Earlier today , I dropped by at my fav perfume store - the arbat prestige , trying to add another perfume into my collection. Unfortunately for me - the sale is over and all the perfume prices went back to the normal price. However, there are still a few with discount. I decided to go back to basic this time , therefore - here u are , I bought myself a set of this new ckin2u , the latest perfume from the calvin klien. For me , calvin klien perfume is good but not the best u can get. Nonetheless, with the price they selling , it's still a good deal. Plus, I need something for daily usage and I definitly think this one would fit my need perfectly.

1. Degree translation - USD 400 - RM 1300
2. Graduation Robe - USD 50 - RM 160
3. Graduation Dinner and High Tea - USD 50 - RM 160
4. Graduation after party - :P - priceless ... hahaha...
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Go Go United!

Monday, March 03, 2008
monday is boring!

1. I missed my 2nd brother wedding
2. I missed all my cousins' weddings so far ( 4 of them!)
3. I'm gonna miss tina's wedding this May- which will make it 5 weddings,
4. I missed 6 aidil fitri and 6 aidil adha at home!
5. I missed Umar 0 birthday ,
6. I missed seing Imah growing up ,
7. I missed both of my brothers' graduation day
8. I'm gonna miss this coming general election which is supposedly should be my 1st time voting
I missed a lot.... the list is endless... these are the sacrifices I had to make to get my MD degree.. it better be worth it!
Sunday, March 02, 2008
rainbow after the storm
Last friday, shida and I went to europe center to buy new shirt for stitch :P . We havent been to that mall for quite some times, our last visit there was months ago I reckon. As we reached there, I saw most of the shops were having final deduction offer. I went to the MEXX to see if there was any good stuff left -was thinking of getting a pair of jeans from MEXX should they still on SALE. Unfortunately , they were not. The price went back to normal. The same jeans that I bought last month for 1150 rubbles was back to 3500rubbles per pair (rm465). So, that was it for me. No more MEXX stuff until summer SALE :). Nevertheless, since I really wanted to buy a pair of jeans, I decided to get one from TOPSHOP since their jeans are considered the cheapest compared to the other brand that I would love to wear.