Been TAGGED by Ceera :)
Once in a year, I'll do this "tagging" thingy. So happened that she tagged me at the right time, I'm pretty much free rite now :)
But, seriously - do not tagged me :P coz most of the time - there wont be any reply from me :)( hutang tag Kak Red dah bertahun dah aku x bayar :P )
1. Nama-nama timangan oleh orang tersayang :P

Well, let's start with what Shida called me. She called me sayang, honey, darling, sweetheart , kekasihku, abang, kekanda, perwiraku , intan payung batu berlian and so on ( well, basically everything in the book of love :P ). Behind my back she might call me - jerk, bastard , asshole and SOB :P - just kidding!
My nephew and my niece called me "ayah nae" :) even thou I never heard that from my beloved Umar yet :P
Adam is supposed to called me Mr Cool or Uncle Cool or Uncle Han. Yet , he only managed to mumble "nana" everything he wants to call me. Well, actually he used that to call everyone :P
2. Anda seorang yang?
- lazy bastard ( no kidding!)
- Love sport - yes, anyone wanna play sport with me in Malaysia, pls email me - name any sport! I'm ON! If I never play the sport, I'm very keen to learn a new one. Looking foward to play tennis this summer break!
-hot+short tempered :p hahha... yeah, no kidding too! But it wont last long. I can't be angry for more than 1 minute. Usually, when I'm angry at someone, I just need to throw my sight at the open window and a few secs later, I'm cool :P
-I'm funny and crazy at the same time! - Seriously!
3. Insan teristimewa?
my parent + shida + my readers and my frens!
4. Makanan Favourite
-fettucini al fredo! hahahaha.... Budu la.... :P
5. Fav Colour?
-my fav colours changes every year!
6. Fav Song?
-Songs sing by hot +sexy singers - anything by Rihanna n Nicole Scherzinger
7. THing that make me stress?-leaving....
8 3 thing u MUST have in ur wallet ?- 1. money , 2 . still money , 3. more money
9 Last time u cried?
- pass!!!