For the past one week, it had been a transition period for me. It was a tough one. Trying to adjust to the new enviroment, new daily cycle ... everything is new for me.
Maybe I've been watching to much of Grey's anatomy and House MD. Life as an intern in a busy government hospital is nothing as in the shows on TV.
Maybe I was expecting my life to be as cool as the actors in the show. Hence , when I faced the truth - it was a big shock for me and I was very depressed.
Nevertheless, after a few days , after lots of thinking and tears ( unfortunately ) - I'm moving foward. I want to be a doctor and this is what I have to face, day in , day out. No more regret. ( hopefully)
I'll take one day at a time. Slowly learning to be a good doctor.
It's gonna be a long journey, it's gonna be a tough road ahead. But I'll give everything. I'll do my best. God please bless me. Amin.
one more thing, I'm so sorry if my previous entry "demotivated" a lot of ppl from being a doctors. No worry , If u are willing to work hard, U'll be a good doctor.