my quest to become a bloody young millionaire has not been such a plain sailing journey...
business - has it ups and downs...
rite now... more downs :P
my day job as a doctor - stressful as always
but , still I cant quit being a doctor yet..
honestly, never thought of quitting being a doctor
yes , not the most pleasant job in the world
even thou some said that "doctor" is the most noble job in the world..
it is , no doubt at all..
it's noble.. and killing u softly at the same time :P
I'm done with my orthopedic posting
movin on to surgical department
had my months of relaxing and fun at the ortho department
back to business next week..
new start....
yeah.. hate to be the new guy at the department
I hate the self-intro part...
hate being new and naive.. and stupid :P
but it's all part of the game..
part of the cycle...
just wanna get thru with it..
whatever it is...
i'll be working extra hard to reach my goal..
I want to be a millionaire :)
may sound ridiculous and impossible..
but , who knows...
who knows..
someday, someway, somehow...
kalau ade rezeki kan?