juggling... juggling...
as u thought u could do everything ....
sometimes, u are dead wrong!
as a normal human being, God gives us one brain.
although some ppl do claimed that they have multiple brain.. for some unknown reason.
and most of the time, with one little brain , a normal human being could only concentrate at one thing at one time.
nonetheless, there are some gifted ppl on earth which can do so many things at the same time and excel at all areas.
those people - are those fucking smart rich bastard whom i envy a lot!
yup... it's my dream to become a super rich dude...
my no 1 dream...
to drive a ferrari...
my own F430 spider...
i just hope..
someday, it will come true
but for the timebeing..
i just hope i could do well as a doctor and as a cafe owner...