not mine , yet!
I'm currently away from the medical department.
starting a fresh new life at the paediatric wards.
currently i'm at the neonatal ward...
i'm not an expert with baby and small children.
i remember, when my nephew umar slept with me ( the parent was the hospital , taking care of the sister )
he cried almost 3 times at night until the morning.
everytime he cried , he just grabbed my hand and forced me to wake up..
but, me being me - i couldnt be bothered less...
i just ignored him.. and continue my sleep...
his yelling was like a lullaby to my ears
but it's my way to teach him .... i called it " tough love"
so, the next day, he only woke up and cried 2 times....
the 3rd day , he didnt even cried at all... he slept soundly and comfortably by my side...
and the on the 4th day, he didnt make any sound at all... i woke up at 6 am , he was sleeping on the floor, couldnt recall when he felt down from the bed.... no injury thou...
and yet, he slept well on the carpet...
hence, being at the neonatal ward , with 30 babies crying at the same time, i could nt care less...
just doing my job... just trying to finish the day and want to send all the babies back home to their mother... no more than that...
but then, earlier this morning,
i took one baby out from her cradle and the treatment cradle as i needed to take her blood ...
as i was holding her ,
her cute little fingers , play with my tie and my name tag...
suddenly, i felt warmth and love glowing inside me...
it's such a great feeling..
of all sudden, working with the babies become so meaningful..
looking at their cute faces... just lighten up my days....
i'm loving my job....