I kept holding to that conclusion, until I hit the "wall" last weekend. Yup, it's totally a wake up call for me. After all these years... I'm still a kid. I still need guidance. I always need help. I'm clingy. I still shed some tears when I feel really sad or when I'm really sick. I'm just not ready yet for world after all. I used to have all the confidence in the world, but it all had shattered. One small mistake made me realize, I still have a long way to go. That very stupid action of mine, made me realize that life isnt that easy after all.
I called my mom earlier this morning, before I left for hospital. I purposedly called her at that very hour coz I dont want to have a long chat with her. Why? Coz I'm still a kid. Whenever I have problem, my mom would know from my voice. It's just mother instict. No doubt about that. But, that 4 mins chat with her was more than enuf for her to realize that her son here isnt in a good state of mind. I know my mom not gonna read this blog, but mommy... I miss u a lot... I'm a still a kid, who need his mom... always. Love u mom.
huhu...sdehnye... pity you...but,wutever comes have to be overcome.. u just have to be strong & patient... everything's gonna be alrite!!
selamat hari raye!!
me love me Mom too!!!!:D
I miss my mom too.. sedihlaa entry ni..
biasa la tu kann, anak mak..
aiyoo...sedih nya pic tu nan..macam nak menangis je
I am contacting you because I am working with the authors of a book about blogs, and I'd like to request permission to use the photograph you have posted in this book. Please contact me at matt@wefeelfine.org, and I'd be happy to give you more information about the project. Please paste a link to your blog in the subject field. Your assistance is greatly appreciated.
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