5) NOtEbook. Make sure u have a small note book in ur pocket. Write down all the new things u learn. Write down all the thing u need to learn.
6) LEARN fast and act fast. Well, this is the hardest part. Being a doctor, other doctor would expect u to be a fast learner. On my 1st day in labour room, my MO asked me to conduct a delivery and do the episiotomy. I never done that before during my student days. So, yeah - expect the unexpected yeah.
7) BE CONFIDENT. This is the main thing. Even thou the fact is - u are just day 1 of life as a HO , u need to start managing case on ur 1st day. So, when u r dealing with the patient, make sure u give a confident look to them. Dont make ur patient scare. No one want to be treated by a fresh doctor who just started work few a hour ago. Act like u've been working for years.
and... above all this ..sebelum pergi keje tu.. doa kat Allah, permudahkan urusan kita dalam pekerjaan harian ni. Niat kene la ikhlas. Solat subuh jangan tinggal...one more thing, I'm so sorry if my previous entry "demotivated" a lot of ppl from being a doctors. No worry , If u are willing to work hard, U'll be a good doctor.
Well, maybe I was wrong. But not about the previous issue.
I hate to admit this, but I think I lost this round to my cousin, Dr Qistina. She's in HKL now. She told me, once u are a HO - ur life would be divided into two cycles - work and sleep. She told me that few months back. But I told her - I'm gonna change that! hehehe.... cakap la besar lagi.
I told her, my HO life would be in 3 cycles - work, sleep and fun.
After two days at HKB, well... I hate to say this - I was wrong, she was right.....
Being a doctor isnt that fun after all... trust me on that....
OK.. regarding the previous issue... clearly Aladeen isnt a doctor yet ... anyone who been thru HO would never made such comment...