Happy men's day to all the guys out there! Yeah, we totally deserved it. Frankly, they should have made like happy men's week. Or at least a men's weekend. After all the hard work men did, day in day out - building the pyramids, the great wall of China, Calvin Klien, LV, the space shuttle - men deserve a lot of appreciation! There is no slightest doubt about that! Nonetheless, like the old saying said - behind every successful man, there are 2 women. The wife and the mistress :) Let's not forget the hard work of the women too rite.
Follow Dr Han :)
Dr Han endorsed
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Happy Men's Day!!!
Happy men's day to all the guys out there! Yeah, we totally deserved it. Frankly, they should have made like happy men's week. Or at least a men's weekend. After all the hard work men did, day in day out - building the pyramids, the great wall of China, Calvin Klien, LV, the space shuttle - men deserve a lot of appreciation! There is no slightest doubt about that! Nonetheless, like the old saying said - behind every successful man, there are 2 women. The wife and the mistress :) Let's not forget the hard work of the women too rite.
Friday, February 22, 2008
yet again!

Currently , I'm having my tuberculosis cycle. It's actually kinda scary to be inside the ward with all those tuberculosis patients since TB could be transmitted thru the air. One breath - as simple as that . But the real fact is, if u took ur BCG dose in ur early age - that shouldnt be a problem at all - means u are already immune from TB . Technically if u are immune to the TB, u wont be infected anymore.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
The men's amendment! Part 1

I got a few emails from my silent readers, asking me tips how to ask women out and what to talk during the date. Well, I'm not that good at this to be frank :P . However, I do have a little bit experience , and I do watch a lot of movie. So, here are a few tips for all the guys up there!
No 1 - always look good! Be ready at any moment :) As soon as u left ur home - there'll always be u'll bump into ur dream girl or ur Mrs right! ( or whatever u called it) Ur physical appearance does matter!
No 1.1 Take ur time to shave ur facial hair , then make sure u use the after shave :) Spray some perfume on ur body but not too much. Just enuf to make the lady notices that u smell good. ( * avoid using the cheap fake perfume, it'll only makes thing worse! ) Most girls nowdays notice what kind of perfume u use. So, perfume does play a lot of role here. Hair - use the hair gel or the hair cream. Put some effort on that! These are some of the basic stuff that men tend to forget. Get used to these daily routine - then we can move to the step No.1.2
No 1.2 - Clothing :) this is the best part! I may not be an expert on this. But just try not to embaress urselves - that's good enuf :) Men, remember - try to avoid wearing corduroys pants. Some ppl thought that corduroys pants are cool , but ladies with fashion knowledge know that corduroys pants isnt a fashion at all. Jackets? Well, if u are going on date in KL - i dont see any reason why a men need a jacket in such a hot climate :) A thin blazer or coat is acceptable , but not too much please. Adjust with the surrounding condition. Try to look as simple as possible yet elegent and smart. REMINDER, no slippers, sandals on a date ! A pair of pallas jazz would do better than any of those :P
No 1.3 - to be continued.... I'm too tired :P , these are just the tops of the icebergs, a lot more to come... the steps are endless! - do remind me in the future occay !!!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
The Reunion :)
Sunday, February 17, 2008
A very good Day, so far :)
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Normal Service Resume!

Friday, February 15, 2008
Maybe ..

Thursday, February 14, 2008
Love is in the air

Today, I finished my endocrinology posting. Yes... I'm a master of all the endocrine diseases ( Diabetic Melitus, Hypothyroidism, Addison, Cushing , bla bla bla ) ... for at least another week. Well, as the time goes by , ppl tend to forget what they learned and same shit happened to me all the time :P Sighhh... What to do Dr Natrah? I'm gonna be so screwed during my HO. There is no doubt about that! Well, the rumours said that , no matter how good an intern is, the MO always find a way to screw him/her. Plus, there is no way a new doc could be as good as the MO. So, the lesson here - just bring it on. Good HO, not so good HO - both are the free targets. I'm dead either way! Hahhaha.. till death do us apart :)
Therefore, instead of busying myself buying roses and lilies... I kept myself occupied watching this majectic film! Yes, Ultraman Moebius the movie. This movie was made to celebrate the 40 years of ultraman legacy. I have to say, this movie look nothing like the ultraman series I watched when I was a kid. The CGI effect is extremely fasinating. It's like watching the japanese version of star wars. It's kinda a reminiscent to my childhood :) I was smiling when the ultraman ace and ultraman taro came into action. Believe it or not, ultraman ace and ultraman taro were created on 1970 and 1960. They are way older than I am. Go Go chaiyoo ultraman :P
Tomorrow I'm starting my oncology cycle. This is the most depressing cycle. Seeing all the patients with cancer, really not the best view in the world. As we all know that , up until today there is no cure for cancer and most of the patients who's in the terminal stage , dont have much time left. hmmm... being an oncologist never came across my mind yet even thou it has a very high demand in Malaysia. Frankly speaking - should I become an oncologist - I dont think I have the strenght to tell more than half of the patients who come for my consultation that there is nothing I can do and they are dying. However, if my fate is to become an oncologist in the future, I really hope that God will let the human find the cure for cancer by then ....
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Moscow Metro
"In total, the Moscow Metro has 292.9 km of route length, 12 lines and 176 stations; on a normal weekday it carries over 7 million passengers. Passenger traffic is considerably lower on weekends bringing the average daily passenger traffic during the year to 6.8 million passengers per day"

11 February!
11 FEB - Congratulation my dear KAK RED! Finally , she bought her own dot com. It's about time sist! Yup, she just moved her blog to http://redmummy.com/ Well, u totally deserved it Kak Red. Frankly, with the high numbers of daily visitors, I've been wondering for quite sometimes when Kak Red is going to get her own .com. Eventually she did and I'm so happy for her! Our dear Kak Red played an important part of my blogging life. Half of my visitors came from her blog and I would like to thank her for that. ( see akak, mane ade saya lupe diri - still ingat kat akak tau !) Furthermore , she's not just another blogger to me, she's like a real sister to me. I met her before, I met her family ( plus met all her brothers too! ) , she treats me with respect even thou I'm just another kid on the block. It's been a honour for me to know u Kak Red and I really appreciate it. Hence, to show how much I love ur family , this summer when I get back home , I'll take sirman to dangdut therefore u could have ur precious time with abang and gegirl. We can be gone for days if u wish kak red.. no problemo... :P

Yes, this annoying flies catching game really is getting into my head! Hahhaa.. My best score is 25 flies cought at the moment. I wonder if I could get 30 flies ( I reckon I would if I have a better mouse :P , what an excuse huh!) To those who want to try this stupid game, just click on the hong leong bank advertistment above. See if u could do better than me!
Do u have too???
Monday, February 11, 2008

Luckily, I found this new stupid game today to cheer me up. It's kinda fun and very challenging. Everyone should give a try! hahhaa.. the game is catching those flies using the chopstick. Yeah, something like in the chinese kung fu film. How to play it? Just click on the Hong Leong advertistment below or on the sidebar. It's a good fun and kinda annoying too which made u keep trying and trying. My best caught was 22 flies only. Hhahaa.. come on everyone, see who has the fastest fingers here!
I'm really tired and sleepy rite now. Even so, I know I just cant sleep yet. It's only 11 pm here and I do realize that my brain wont shut down that early. Need to adjust my daily timetable. Having a batman life for the past one month is killing me now. I really need to sleep before 12 in order to be not the a zombie in the hospital.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Saturday Blues
"seorang pemimpin pelajar yang berdisiplin , bertanggungjawab, rajin, bersopan santun dan berwibawa"
translation- " a very diciplined, responsible, hardworking , well mannered and outstanding student leader"
I'm so sorry , I have to say it's not entirely true. Haahaha...Let's be frank here rite. Anyway, I would like to thanks the school thou. Appreciate it! Dicipline - errr .. no comment. Responsible - ermm... urmmm.. well... no comment. Hardworking - in things that I love, yes!. Well mannered - if I have to. Outstanding - hehehe... in certain area :P

Saturday, February 09, 2008
Part 2
"Dear Lucky perfect dream Dr Guy who have a super gorgeous bla bla bla"
Unfortunately u are dead wrong here. To start with, I'm not a Dr yet and I'm not perfect and I dont have everything. ( So does Dr Sheikh , he's not perfect nor has everything - go ask him urselves if u dont believe me) Miss/Mrs Nisa - I'm not perfect and I dont have everything and if u do read my blog carefully my life is a mess and on top of that I dont even have my own bicycle and I'm currently enocomically unstable (since u mention I have everything) Do I blame God for these? No I dont. God knows what best for me and I'm content with my life.
"If everyone's dream came true , nobody will be the garbage collector..."
I cant remember which part of my blog mention that everyone dreams will come true. Some dreams are just dreams and some dreams did come true. Mrs/Miss Nisa, what are u trying to say here? Ppl shouldnt dream?
Plus, in the 4th paragraph - ur comments about doctors :) Mrs/Miss Nisa , which part of my previous entry about chossing husband/bf mention about docs and patients relationship??? I DID NOT say anything a crappy patient. Please read again my yesterday entry.
Maybe Mrs/Miss Nisa here doesnt really understand about the C group of men in my previous entry. This C type of man - is man who isnt man enuf. I believe a man should be mentally strong to be leader at least as head of a family. I reckon that man should be able to do what best for him and his family. I think that a man should be desicive. Type C men do not have these attributes. Do u agree with me Miss/Mrs Nisa? Unless u are looking for a sissy husband/bf?
Friday, February 08, 2008
walk a mile in my shoe
First time always the hardest :) Yup, I had a really tiring day. My brain isnt just ready yet to go back to the hospital. Had 4 hours of lecture today , given by the Head of Endocrine Department. He wrote our text book and told us to read only his textbook. The other books are useless. Sighh... typical Russian! However, I started a new self theraphy today - controlling my nerves even during my worst state of mind. I was very hungry and sleepy at the hospital today. I only slept around 2 hours at nite becoz my brain was still awake until 5 am. I'm so used to sleep very late lately and I'm paying my price now!

Occay, I have a very special question for all the female readers here. Earlier, I planned to write about my future plan in medical field, but I reckon this one would be more interesting for all of u out there. Question :- Would u rather have a bf/husband who is :-
A - an egoist ( a lot of ego!) , very straight-foward , stubborn + headstrong, hardcore , a daredevil , rebellious, whacko but at the same time who's a romantic, a comedian ,an opportunist , a virtuoso and a hot shot. For ex - me :P , McSteamy, Dr House, Dr Troy McNamara (nip/tuck)
B - a good hearted man, considerate, self sacrificing, a humatarian, "It's my fault man", humble , loving, noble , innocent, honest, reserved and some value which some called it as "the boring aspect". For examples - all the prince charming in the fairly tales movie, McDreamy
C - a " u jump , I jump guy", "I'll do whatever u want guy", "I dont have a dream guy", "I adore my wife as a goddess guy", "Please dont leave me alone guy", needy, deprived, basically this group belong to the queen control wives and gfs :P
So, which one is ur choice? If we put all these choices into the food analogy, A is the beef steak - delicious but will give ur body dozen of problem , cholesterol, high blood pressure , bla bla bla. B - is the cotton candy. Nice to eat them once in a while. Too much of cotton candy is a lil bit boring isnt it? C - is a piece of crap or in another word , is a piece of shit.
Some might choose to have B, prince charming in ur life, but the ugly truth is - these kind of guys are hard to find and even if u met any, either they are gay or married. Mostly are gay :) C? Well, if u are a really aggressive girl and u need a man to follow ur order every little second, no worry - plenty of this type of men available. Just a quick reminder here - to all the men who belong to the C group - stay away from me. U suck dude!
Well, the A group - hahaha... yeah, this one is quite tricky. I reckon I belong here. I have to mention here that I'm not a good guy. Yess.. I'm bad boy. Hahhaa... Yeah, they said good boy goes to heaven and bad boy goes to hell. But then , is there anyone out there who's still alive who's guaranteed to go to heaven??? None I guess. Well, I might be the last person to talk about hell and heaven but then I believe there is a very thin line btwn bad and good boy. On top of that. it's not us to decide who's bad, and who's not.
So, make ur choice everyone .... real man are getting extincted! In 10 years time, I reckon the gay population will become twice and the women population compared to men... well , it's a known fact that there are more women than men on earth rite now. Plus, the war in Palestin, Kosovo, in African, in Iraq - million of men died. So, ladies - do ur own math here :P
Thursday, February 07, 2008
It's all over :(
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Dont cycle and skate!
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Hannan On Ice!
Sunday, February 03, 2008
No Regret
What I'm about to write here is a MUST READ PART TO ALL MY READER!!!! VERY IMPORTANT!!!!
Since some of our dear frens are having trouble in their love life, I would like to give my 2 cents here about LOVE. Maybe not the best opinion or advice u can get, but I'll just write what I learned about LOVE. LoVE is like a deep sea. It's so beautiful and at the same times it's lethal. LoVE is full of suprises and miracles. So does the Sea... full of beautiful creatures, so adorable, the corals, colourful fishes . Love , full of happiness, excitement, passion, the tenderness , the affection that make ppl gone crazy. Unfortunately, some of us forgot there are also shark, killer whale, giant octopus and Godzilla in the sea. Same goes for love... it also comes with dilemma, hatred, heart broken, endless tears (the list goes on) So, it's up to u, how u choose to discover the sea. R u gonna swim? Take a cruise? Scuba Diving? the submarine? No matter which way u choose, there's no guarantee that it all will end up well. If u swim , u might get a cramp or the shark might eat u. The cruise might sink like the titanic. The oxygen for scuba diving might suddenly stuck or disfunction. The Russian torpedo might hit ur submarine. No guarantee at all. It's the same thing for LOVE. There is no guarantee for happiness, there is no guarantee for happily ever after. Marry an ustaz? Ustazs are the highest group to do poligamy. Marry a bank manager? U might be robbed in the middle of the nite. Marry a minister? U husband might have "florist" fren. Marry a race car driver? he might get killed in the race. Marry a teacher? he might be having affair with the students. Marry an architect? his drawing is more precious than ur wedding ring. Marry a farmer? He spend more time in the farm rather than in the bedroom. Marry a doctor? well that's a good choice! hahahahha. Some of us might think, occay let's not be involved then. HAha... u dont go to the sea, the sea will come to u. TSUNAMI! U cant ran away from LOVE. It'll come , and most of the time... it'll go and leave u alone heart broken! No matter how hard u try, no matter how many promises u made... LOVE is just unpredictable. Today U said u wedding vow... till death do us apart... the week after.. u are full of debt,I want a divorce! ( to all Men , stop making bullshit promises , dont promise the world coz it's totally impossible ) Occay, too much explaination I think , my point is, LOVE is about taking chance and risk. Being LOVE meaning u are risking ur heart. Be prepared for the outcome. To all women, I think we all agree that we shouldnt blame the word LOVE rite. It's just another gift from the God, same goes to the sea. There is no one to be blame if shit happened in love rite.. u cant blame God rite? U should give credit to urselves for taking ur chances and no worry , once u fail in LOVE, u could always try again. No worry, the heart will grow back, times heal everything rite? I'm taking my chance in LOVE and I'm enjoying every single moment of it ! Kiki, Zie, get a grip will ya :) Shida pls dont kill me :P
Friday, February 01, 2008
first cut hurts the most
I hope everyone would understand my explanation above. Yeah, see - such a small cut in ur finger could cause such a difference to the world :P . Anyway, back to reality now - since our celebrity chef requested for a close up photo of my ceasar salad, here u are chef.. Taraaaaa... ... Sorry, the presentation isnt as good and the photo quality is not so great either. Nevertheless, should be ok considering I'm a chef and I learn how to cook on my own all these years. Another week to go until I'm back to the hospital. I had some bruises on my legs from the futsal game on wednesday. But tomorrow I'm going to play again. Yeah, bruises make a man! So, since I'm typing like a handicap now, I think this is enuf for today entry. Have a wonderful weekend everyone!!!