"In total, the Moscow Metro has 292.9 km of route length, 12 lines and 176 stations; on a normal weekday it carries over 7 million passengers. Passenger traffic is considerably lower on weekends bringing the average daily passenger traffic during the year to 6.8 million passengers per day"
Yes, metro is a big part of my life here in moscow. I reckon I spend around 3 hours a day inside the metro during weekdays. Yes, it's a lot of time. The hospitals located pretty far from my house it does take me at least one hour to reach there. It's actually not a suprising fact since the metro is the most reliable transportation in moscow. The train arrive every 45 secs during peak hours and every 60-90 sec during normal time. Since the traffic jam in moscow is the worst I ever see in the world, the metro is the only thing u can rely on. Furthermore - the metro stations in moscow are the work of art. Each station is different from one another. None is the same. Considering in moscow, the white winter is about 4-5 months long - being inside the metro station is such a lovely view compare the world outside. Maybe that's one of the reason why the russian built the metro beautifully so it could bring the smile to the russian citizen. Unfortunately, it doesnt work that way. To be frank, it's pretty hard to see a smile from a russian ( unless those who are used to foreigner ) The communism spirit is still inside them. However, needless to remind here - 20 years ago, Russia still a USSR and to see the development they have now.. it's amazing! The personality of the younger generation also changed as they are more open to the outside world...... bla bla bla.. it's getting boring , I know.. will write about Russia again some other time :P This is the metro station I've been using everyday for the past one week. This is the interchanged metro.The station called Stressnoi Boulevard. Boring Boring Boring.. Enough already with the metro story. Back to my life again. I phoned my parent earlier. They were at my brother's new house in Seremban. My mom told me that my cousin who's also gonna be a doc soon is getting engaged soon. I bursted into a real big laugh. The thing is, we had a bet ( my cousin and I ). Whoever get married first - lose and have to buy 3 "hantaran" for the winner. Looks like I'll be having 3 free "hantaran" in the future! Sorry Tina and at the same time - congratulation. I tried to call her earlier but to no avail. HHehee.. my voice is the last thing she wants to hear rite now. However, I'm happy for you. I know u all gonna ask when is mine rite? Well - since I'm not working yet and obviously I'm not a millionaire son , I believe I have to take my time then. It's a known fact that getting married today could cost as much as a helicopter, at least I need to have some money first to take care of "anak dara orang". Some ppl said that money isnt everything, but u still need money to buy food rite... to rent a house at least.. buy this... buy that... and eventually we all have to agree that money is "one of the key to happiness" in this new world. Yes, some of u might say, u can rely on ur parent , here and then before u get a real job - but then - it's not them who's getting married rite. How unfair is it. My parent already spend a lot on raising me up , I think it's "uncalled for" to burden my parent anymore. NONETHELESS, this is just my personal view and I do stand by it Some ppl might have different opinion on this matter :) Occay then - I hope everyone is satisfied with my answer :P
Tantek ek dat metro station jauh nah aaa umah hans tuh xde rent house yg dekat2 ker ek...
hhahaha..nice bet nampak so hans nnti dpt 3 free hantaran for ida la ek...hikkssss!!!
Yup hans...money is one of the key to hapiness bcoz we really2 need it for our living kan. But if i have to choose over money and love..definitely z akan choose LOVE bcoz i had my own money...lalalala.
There's no need of me to be a Gold Digger la kan when z oredy earn my own money...
yer betul.. duit tu salah satu kunci yg penting dlm kebahagiaan selain dari cinta.. senang ckp, dua2 mmmg kena ada, for me la kan, tak tau lak kalau2 ada org yg boleh hidup hanya dgn ada salah satu tu aja.. :)
wahhh.... elit giler metro station itiew... dh la train ade evry 45 sec.. kt sni arrive every 6 min pun dh kire lj... xtk crash ke? hehe... -ve thinking here...
emiko - hehe. setakat ni han x pernah tgk lagi metro crash.. minta jauh la kan... tapi kalau 2 mins tu dah dikira lama dah kat sini... average 1 mins la at least..
kalo kiki nak time ni.. nak duit..duit.. tp kalo tak DO it... tak dpt money.. so setimpal lah dgn usahanya kita utk mendapat $$$$$$$$
of coz bila daku byk duit..kaya..kaya!! [hehhe ntah mkn serikaya je kot] everything kiki nak buat.. hehhe nak beli.. or mayb nak sediakan keperluan utk diri dulu.sbbkalo tkde duit hati leh sakitttt.. hahhah
tp bila tk de love..pun rasa sunyi..but sumtimes love kan make me hurt.. tp itu sudah jadi resam kan.. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm nak duitlahhh... tk nak love.. sbb hati saya cukup love utk org2 yg love kat saye.. hahahah =D
just kidding darl.. =D batman nak ikut p kat metro station tu... mesti gempak kalo kiki mbik pix kat situ kan.. hahha
Tantek ek dat metro station
jauh nah aaa umah hans tuh
xde rent house yg dekat2 ker ek...
hhahaha..nice bet nampak
so hans nnti dpt 3 free hantaran for ida la ek...hikkssss!!!
Yup hans...money is one of the key to hapiness bcoz we really2 need it for our living kan.
But if i have to choose over money and love..definitely z akan choose LOVE bcoz i had my own money...lalalala.
There's no need of me to be a Gold Digger la kan when z oredy earn my own money...
heh heh heh **Gelak berlagak jap**
Money or Love? Saya nak dua2...
So kumpul duit banyak2 nan.
Have a nice day bro...
without money there is always hard to find love.hehehe!Save more now and stop buying branded stuff!LOL
yer betul.. duit tu salah satu kunci yg penting dlm kebahagiaan selain dari cinta.. senang ckp, dua2 mmmg kena ada, for me la kan, tak tau lak kalau2 ada org yg boleh hidup hanya dgn ada salah satu tu aja.. :)
sto gram vodka make them happy hannan
money vs love = hmmmmmmmmmmm sama berat la nan
wahhh.... elit giler metro station itiew... dh la train ade evry 45 sec.. kt sni arrive every 6 min pun dh kire lj... xtk crash ke? hehe... -ve thinking here...
sng2 dh dpt 3 hntarn.. best tu.. hehe..
every 45 sec?????tak sampai seminit?That's really good..Komuter..huh boleh tido dulu la nk tunggu dia dtg.
cantiknyaaaaaaaa .... bery da nice u know !!
ai likeeeeeeeee
wow! cantiknya station dia! and buleh ambil gambar yer?
zie - x le nak wat camtu
sbb hospital selalu tukar2.. this week hospital lain, next week hospital lain... huhuhu...
money money money ;)
edany - yup... kena ade 2-2 kan... tu la.. dok tgh kumpul duit ni.. tapi kumpul2.. abisss... :P
sweetiepie- bad habit die hard!
LB- heheh... 100 gram of vodka makes them happy is it?
pandai.. ;P
emiko - hehe. setakat ni han x pernah tgk lagi metro crash.. minta jauh la kan...
tapi kalau 2 mins tu dah dikira lama dah kat sini... average 1 mins la at least..
Natrah - tu la , sbb kat sini ramai sgt pengguna metro, kalau buat mcm lrt tu.. mmg x jalan la kot..
malimkundang - tu gambar2 curi aje...
biasa kalau nak ambik gambar dalam metro ade je nak kene marah ngan makcik2 tua...
Lily - me likey too.. this is one of the thing i'm gonna miss a lot about moscow!
seriously cantek metro station kt sana.. hmmm kene pegi skali nih! btw, fascinated dgn kekerapan the train... every 45-90sec? sangat dahsyat!!!
compare to malaysia nye stesyen definately different ...
yes, i think we need both - money and love but sad to say it's really hard to find it :-)
cantik nya metro station ni
kalau lah stesen ktm,putra or erl camni..hari² gi tangkap gmbr
kalo kiki nak time ni.. nak duit..duit.. tp kalo tak DO it... tak dpt money.. so setimpal lah dgn usahanya kita utk mendapat $$$$$$$$
of coz bila daku byk duit..kaya..kaya!! [hehhe ntah mkn serikaya je kot] everything kiki nak buat.. hehhe nak beli.. or mayb nak sediakan keperluan utk diri dulu.sbbkalo tkde duit hati leh sakitttt.. hahhah
tp bila tk de love..pun rasa sunyi..but sumtimes love kan make me hurt.. tp itu sudah jadi resam kan.. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm nak duitlahhh... tk nak love.. sbb hati saya cukup love utk org2 yg love kat saye.. hahahah =D
just kidding darl..
=D batman nak ikut p kat metro station tu... mesti gempak kalo kiki mbik pix kat situ kan.. hahha
yeah you're right..
mmg byk pakai duit bu make sure duit u spend is for someone that can make you happy.. that matters most..
and wow.. sgt cantik that metro. why cant we have one here in mesia eh?
lawanya tempat itu. bila la dapat jenjalan ke sana kan? subhanallah.. lawa.
"money is one of the key to happiness" = setujuuuuuuuk!
mummy hanny - hye kak fatin... lama betul x dgr citer... meh la dtg sini. :)
ann - yup... susah sgt nak dpt dua2 skali,
tapi kalau duit ade,.. bole kawin bola.. so more chance nak dpt LOVE tu :P
kiki - hehehe.. nampak gaya kiki kene kawin ngan bakal sultan brunei la kot, baru aman hidup tu ...
zuraiha - mesia xkan ade kot stesen LRT lawa2 sbb tahap penggunaan LRT masih baru ... n system pon x cekap lagi...
erni - babe, kalau ade duit, anytime bole datang !
me luv money. but me luv my family better lolz.
hannan i luv the metro lah. takkan depressed kot kalau im in moscow. sigh.
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