- good looking and tall
- no facial hair
- charming
- a rich doctor or businessman
- must be very understanding
- bla bla bla ... andwhatsoever...
Husna.. good luck with that! hehehhe....
Anyway, back to my story ... on the way back home from KL yesterday, on the bus , I was sitting at the back with a group of old ladies , maybe aged around 50 to 60.
Just for the sake of the story , I'll write this drama in malay.
mak cik 1 : Nak... mak cik no 46 , tu anak duduk tempat mak cik, tepi tingkap tu mak cik punye
me : Makcik punye 45 , sebelah ni mak cik. 46 tu saya punye...
mak cik 1 : ooo.. yer ke.. tapi kalau mak cik nak duduk sebelah tingkap bole? kite tukar yer nak?
me : Yer la mak cik.. x kesah pon..
mak cik 1 : Terima kasih yer nak. Nak pergi mane ni?
me : balik kampung...
mak cik 1 : ooo.. keje mane nak?
me : keje kat hospital .....
tetiba jer mak cik yg duduk sebelah kiri aku pulak menyampuk...
mak cik 2 : oooo.. jadi attendant hospital ke..
mak cik 1 : oooo attendant hospital yer nak...
me : ????? ......
mak cik 1 : xper, asalkan keje ngan kerajaan, gaji tetap , pencen pon ada...
mak cik 2 : ha ah. betul tu... bukan senang nak dapat keje ngan kerajaan ni nak..
me : aaa aaah...
Just before the bus start moving, a girl came toward me ....
she : awak ni Hannan kan?
me : a aah...
she : saya ni kawan kamarul kat Germany, die ade tunjuk gambar awak kat colonge ari tu...
me : yer ke...
she : ha ah.. so, awak dah jadi doctor la ni ek?
me : hehehe...
mak cik 1 dan mak cik 2 : OOoooOOOoooooo......
me ? - I just shutted my eyes and smile :)
Well, who would have thought someone wearing pink shirt and tight jeans is a bloody doctor rite :P
*LOL* This reminds me whenever I go out with my girl, she's in her cool outfit (usually Ralph Lauren) and me being plain Jane:
"So you are the Nanny?"
Ok, probably its bcos I look young too. *LOL*
Hehehe.. That was funny..
i can imagine how all the makciks was acting.. hehehe.
salah criteria la bang oi
2. no (excessive) facial (or body hair)
4. a rich doctor or engineer. businessman - NO! sbb scandalous je!
haha! told u jgn mengadaaa blh tak!
hehehehehe... :D
very typical type of makcik2 in malaysia..
haih.. i'd experienced lots of this since preparation course lagi..
huhu.. ye la ye la.. anak makcik je la yg pandai masuk uniten..
kelakar tol makcik2 nih.. huhu xpe la.. asal makcik bahagia.. hehe..
heheh...cute!!i can imagine the makciks' faces..hehehee..blushing throughout the journey :)
hahaha...first impression can at times be mind-boggling. If i was one of the makcik..my mind wud go ' sape aku nak pinagan dgn doktor ni ye' ...huhu coool
lawak nye...ok lah jadi attendant nan...kalau dier kater hannan ni nurse? lagi haru!
pstt..attendant rumah mayat byk ya masyukkk tau..kalau kerja kat spital nanti..periksa tau
hehehe...mcm2 kan hannan..that's life la hannan
huhu.. yela, naik bus plak tu.. hiks..
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