it's on the news again...
click here for the whole story in the berita harian website...
i've written about this issue here , so many times..
and i'm pretty sure the readers here are pretty much tired of reading about pathetic and sad government life..
long working hours ... minimal pay...
yeah... sound like indonesian buruh...
as a matter of fact..
i reckon , our ministers talk more about indonesian amah welfare compared to our government doctor welfare
sorry to say that
but , that's the truth
dear my beloved prime minister , Dato Seri Najib Tun Razak...
please treat as us as well as we treat our patient..
for crying out loud.. i have to park my car 500 meter from my ward i'm in charge
i have to park my car at the psychiatric hospital everyday
and that was not even in the hospital compound..
considering our job is saving people life
it's too much to ask for dedicated parking slots for doctors?
boring dah tulis pasal ni....
nice language . nak belajar !
ermm..sebab tu ramai doktor berhijrah ke hospital swasta kot
harap2 la dier baca entry awak ni Nan..len kali tambah kat bawah tu.."nak bonus paling kurang pun sebulan gaji..takmo sumbangan RM500 je"
As far as i'm concern,wad jiwa tu accross the street j kot,ada traffic light for ur safety...its not that far la,n its not permanent...my mum dulu keje hrpz jgak,biasa je dia park kt jiwa sebab sng nk balik umah..malaysians ni kdg2 xtau bersyukur,cuba la pegi indon ke n tengok life diorang...bukan nk pk nk park kt mana,tp nk pg hospital pun kena pk sepuluh kali sbb nk byr tambang bas pun xde duit....sorry k,but i have to tell what i think malysian has become nowadays..
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