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Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Misconceptions about botox

A customer of mine... A husband presented his wife to a botox treatment.
That s the most romantic thing a man could do
Women love being pretty and beautiful.
When a man takes that extra step,  get his women a face lift... That s super cool
A bottle or vial of 300unit botox is good enough for a full face treatment.
It will give u the v shaped face
It will get rid of the wrinkle
Give u confidence
Makes ur husband happy
What else do u want? 
A perfect gift!!!


Unknown said...

<3 <3

Unknown said...

Please dont endorse botox, majlis fatwa malaysia said it's haram.

Unknown said...

Another misconception. Sila baca sampai habis ayat majlis fatwa tu

. Dysport is not animal based
dysport is only 300 unit and not dangerous to our body.

Sekian terima kasih

Life as a new momma said...

salam doc,

i have one medical question for u.

saya pernah menghidap asma sejak umur 5 tahun dan pulih selepas usia 15 tahun.

sekarang saya tidak menghidapi sebarang penyakit serius.

tetapi saya ada masalah resdung yang tidak serius.

cuma beberapa tahun lepas, saya perasan apabila saya bernafas, uadara tidak akan keluar melalui kedua2 rongga hidung, tetapi salah satu. kadang2 sebelah kiri, kadang2 sebelah kanan. tidak tetap. saya juga mengalami masalah sukar bernafas apabila dalam keadaan terlampau sejuk atau panas.

dan sejak akhir2 ini, apabila bernafasm hidung saya akan mengeluarkan bunyi seperti bersiul.
malah sekarang lebih kerap. saya tidak mengalami selesema cuma kadang2 mengalami kesukaran bernafas.

saya bekerja dalam air-condition area for more than 8 hours a day.
is this one of the factor?
masalah ini tidak serius cuma agak melemaskan dan segan bila tgh meeting tiba2 bunyi bersiul keluar. hehe.

hope you can give me some explanation since i've google bout it and it might have something to do about sinus problem. which made me worried a bit.

thanks in advance! salam