thanks to the host for last nite party, good food, enjoy it very2 much!!!
i'm really not in the mood for blogging rite now.. yeah.. really.. but, few of my frens asked me to update this bloody blog and today we snapped some photos at the hospital.... so.. here i am.....these are the photos taken at the hospital and the conference hall.. it's so obvious that we r "fooling" ourselves in the photo below..
"The most difficult thing in the world is to know how to do a thing and to watch somebody else doing it wrong, without comment"
bahan-bahan nak buat sushi-roll
1.beras sushi (xder dlm gambar sbb dah masak- 35rub-RM 5)
2. sushi seasoning ( 100 rub - RM 15)
3. kicap utk sushi ( 100rub - RM 15)
4. seaweed ( 80 rub - RM 13)
5. tuna utk inti sushi roll ( 20 rub- RM 3)
6. mayonise ( 20rub -RM 3)
7. red caviar ( harga rahsia!!!...tapi murah jer)
8. crab stick ( 15 rub - rM 2)
kepuasan makan sushi home made... tidak ternilai. There is something money cant buy.. the rest.. the is mastercard..ok.. tamat iklan mastercard, ha ah.. tu jer la kot bahan2 nak buat sushi ni... plus gula n garam dicampurkan dalam seasoning sushi tu. Lepas tu... seasoning sushi + gula+ garam, campur dlm nasi sushi yang baru masak tu...utk isi sushi-roll ni.. depend kepada kehendak masing2 la. Kalau mcm kak red yg suke ikan kering n cencaluk dalam sushi tu, bole la letak. tapi biasanya org letak crab stick or caviar yg dicampur dgn mayonise...
lepas tunggu nasi sejuk.... bole la memulakan acara membungkus. yang kat atas ni isi caviar n mayonise. Letak satu lapisan nipis nasi atas seaweed tu.. pastu letak kan isi kat tengah2 tu...
lepas tu.. gulung la.. semalam ade 5 gulung sushi... 2 caviar, 2 crab stick.. satu tuna... lazattttt... lemat berkrim disukai ramai...!!!!
inilah hasilnya... akhirnya,.. sushi home made ni.. xder la lawa sgt mcm kat kedai tu. tapi rasa dah lebih kurang same jer rasenya... next time punye hasil sure lagi cun....