tu gambar anak sedara aku dok menyebok mase org tgh dok bersanding... ape kes la budak ni... nak tumpang glamer la tu.. xper2... ambik berkat katakan... hahahhaa... lagipon tu untie kesayangan die yg tgh dok atas pelamin... manja betul budak ni.... anyway, I dont really feel like writing about anything tonite.. but seeing my blog being not updated is kinda suckk... so.. just sign in and try to figure out s'thing to write.. well, nothing much happened... this month gonna be a quite month i guess... gonna spend most of my weekend at home... feel a bit awkward not doing s'thing during weekend.. but.. let's see.. how long i could last in this little tiny room... hahahha... In my life, I do have expectation to ppl around me... and the expectation depends on how close we are.. if u barely know each other.. I expect nothing from him/her. Even to some ppl that I just consider a fren... I hardly expecting anything from him/her. But, to my close frens, or ppl who really means a lot to me... I have a very high expectation from them.... and the one thing I only expect from them is.... to be there when I need them... well... . It's kinda high expectation... but.. still... I do expect that.. U might think I'm crazy, sellfish bastard... but, I dont care... we need someone to be there for us... when we are in trouble.. when we are alone.. when we need someone to talk to.., when we need to share some secret... we need someone... believe me.. talking to urselves do nothing much!!!.... but.. when.. ppl that u expected to be there for u is not there.. it's really hurt... it's suck... and for me.. it's the worst thing that could happen... and once I gave up on someone.. it's hard for me to give her/him a second chance.. but I always tried to learn not to give up on others... and it's useless... it'll hurt u more and more.... first cut hurts the most....
camner saye nak repair dia kak...saye luper bawak skudebar n hamer...hikhik...saye pun ngah broken heart...UWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!alaaaa...dia ada byk stok panadol..mkn 8 kali sehari cicah kicap,ok la nanti kan!
cam berjauh ati jer??
takpelah, akak ada kat YM, so express it out to me ek
len macam je lah bila ko sedih2 ni, equilllllllllllllll - ko tlg repair budak ni sket
camner saye nak repair dia kak...saye luper bawak skudebar n hamer...hikhik...saye pun ngah broken heart...UWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!alaaaa...dia ada byk stok panadol..mkn 8 kali sehari cicah kicap,ok la nanti kan!
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