Tahun ni, instead of buying roses yg dah dikerat2 batangnya... aku beli pokok bunga rose terus.. hehehe.. tahan lama skit kan,, baru kewl... so., kepada wanita seluruh dunia.. enjoy.. today is ur day... help urselves.. buat ape nak buat... kalau polis nak tahan anda ari ni pon,, kasi pelempang jer polis tu.... hehehe.. thanks to all women ... u do deserve this day,, here in moscow... woman's day is a public holiday.. so.. bak kata iklan2 kat tepi jalan tu.. " give flowers to woman"..
so where the hell is my actual roses will be sending in??
takkan shida je yg dapat??
public holiday in moscow? cinabeng aa msia jgnkan pub holiday, iklan pun kat radio jer!!!
i am wondering, is there such thing as men's day?? haha, curious ar....They put women's title that high til there's declared public hols tere?? Wallau, can forget abt PB here in spore lar...
oush..apparently, 8mac also a world's kidney day..
happy kidney day...
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