Today is 7th march 2007. Finished my surgery cylce..did quite well, didnt sleep in class, didnt miss any class- good enuf.. March also, meaning that winter is officially over and here comes spring. But in moscow, there is still leftover snow and snow still falling... occasionally.. so, technically, doesnt make much different here.
To all my reader, I would like to thanks all of u for ur concern about me. But, honestly, I wasnt writing about my gf- shida, we are doing good here... Sorry abg Z, I am not that single... but, if anybody interested... I could be available... hahhahahahahah.... kalau kawin bole 4... hehehe... Sunnah Nabi S.A.W yg lain x berapa mampu nak ikut, kalau kawin 4 , insya Allah mampu kot... thanks again for ur concern everyone... u guys really make me wanna cry.... sungguh menyentuh hati perhatian kalian semua.... love without condition, to talk without intention, to give without reason and to care without expectation... is the heart of true love...........
hannan, if this is what you practise, i believe you'll be one happy man!!
tu la kak...ari ni terpaksa saye pusing satu bandar lak nak cari roti heart shape..saye nye turn lak broken heart..muahahaha...iskh..malu arrr ngan akak bile dpt tau akak ada 2 bros lg...layak ke saye nie? saye ni superhero..saye x kisah ngan title(ceh!humble konon)...saye bkn materialistik..(ceh!humble sekali lagik)...n saye x pakai segala bagai gucci tuh...saye pakai minyak attar dr arab (ceh!giler humble), amacam kak?x jadik lah main futsal..segan ngan ur bros... eiiii....geli la pankreas saye ckp hal nie...adeiii...
ko masih lagi boleh bermadu bak kata si hannan tu tp kalo bini tama pakai gucci ko pakai minyak atar lah, bini tama dok kat bungalow ko kene dok umah flat lah.
aterr - namanya humble kannn!!!
anw kan equil, sila kemukakan masalah hati anda kepadak Cik Sri Siantan di blog akak tu apa kita mengarut kat blog pakwe orang ni!!!
sekali dia ckp terang2 daaaaaa - melepas le ko, shida le pulak namanya. ko tgk bape byk gucci rush 2 gucci rush hour bagai dia bagi kat aweknye.
ko ado? ko nye salman apa cite equil? hannan ni x rock aa, mentang2 makwe baca blog, kena cite pasal makwe - cik ati equil.
matiklah akak propahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!
acah jerrr
equil, akak ada 2 org lagi brothers, hensem tapi tu lah takde title Dr kat nama dia.
kah kah kah kak red nih lawak ahhh! love without condition, to talk without intention, to give without reason and to care without expectation... is the heart of true love...........
hannan, if this is what you practise, i believe you'll be one happy man!!
tu la kak...ari ni terpaksa saye pusing satu bandar lak nak cari roti heart shape..saye nye turn lak broken heart..muahahaha...iskh..malu arrr ngan akak bile dpt tau akak ada 2 bros lg...layak ke saye nie? saye ni superhero..saye x kisah ngan title(ceh!humble konon)...saye bkn materialistik..(ceh!humble sekali lagik)...n saye x pakai segala bagai gucci tuh...saye pakai minyak attar dr arab (ceh!giler humble), amacam kak?x jadik lah main futsal..segan ngan ur bros... eiiii....geli la pankreas saye ckp hal nie...adeiii...
manyak le ko nye ge humble segala!!!
ko masih lagi boleh bermadu bak kata si hannan tu tp kalo bini tama pakai gucci ko pakai minyak atar lah, bini tama dok kat bungalow ko kene dok umah flat lah.
aterr - namanya humble kannn!!!
anw kan equil, sila kemukakan masalah hati anda kepadak Cik Sri Siantan di blog akak tu apa kita mengarut kat blog pakwe orang ni!!!
ween - bagi akak 5!!!
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