i was browsing thru my old pics, and i found this photo.. it was taken 3 years ago... and i still remember that day... wow.... times does fly very fast nowdays.... 24 hours a day never seems to be enuf anymore... anyway.. i have nothing to write today.. but i just hope.. by this time... kak red n wan is done with their war.... and i believe they are very2 matured to handle this matter..... both of u are my frens.. i'd stand by my fren either she/he is right or wrong... bcoz that's what frens for... not to judge.., not to blame.. but to help...and be there..
tau ko sayangkan akak
so akak nak tuntut adiah ni
akak dapat apa ek?
org dah peace la ngan wan
demi hannan!!!
u see u see...
peace... peace... love what you said "Reveal not every secret you have to a friend, for how can you tell but that friend may hereafter become an enemy. And bring not all mischief you are able to upon an enemy, for he may one day become your friend." I once had a friend who was very dear and very close to me.. ntah apa angin dia ntah, tup tup she bitched about me in her blog.. threatening me that she will reveal my secrets.. itulah kan manusia.. how can we trust a soul....
han... nak hadiah!
wan dgn kak red dah bersatu kembali... merah merah gak.. heheh
nak hadiah nak hadiah nak hadiah
eh smlm wan call han, dia ingat wan ini ialah dr yg nak nak jadi angkasawan tu.. hehe
Han thanx for visiting my blog now its my turn to visit you:)5th yr medical student...jauh gi belajar?Do come again anytime to my place.
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