my life has been very hectic lately. Well, not too sure either still have a life or not.
me pretty much being a robot for the past 1 month
not being myself... too much thing to be done, too much thinking.. a lot of stuffs going on my mind
honestly, it's not easy to be such a multitasker
to be a doctor in the day time , a cafe owner after office hour - is really exhausting.
worst scenario when I'm on call at the hospital.... it's crazy
really need to be more scheduled in my daily life.
rite now - i'm killing myself...
not been having enuf sleep,
not been having proper rest..
how I wish I could ran away from all these ...
just for a moment so could be a normal person again
this is the crucial moment of my life..
the business is just starting and I need to give the best attention I could
my cafe is my baby rite now... just an infant
still learning... still need to be baby feed everyday..
luckily i have my frens around me who keep me going strong everyday
telling me that everything will be ok
and someday everything will be just great
I'm praying to God that I'll be successful in both field I'm doing for the timebeing..
InsyALLAH doc..Moga Allah permudahkan segalanya..
100 plus la... togok je..
hannan..nampak gemokksss sikit
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