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Tuesday, December 09, 2008

selamat hari raya aidiladha

Selamat hari raya aidiladha semua. I also would like to wish happy birthday to my beloved shida. She was borned during hari raya korban.

I celebrated this year raya korban at the labour room. I was "on call" on the day of raya. It was fun actually. Wearing baju raya and conducted delivery. Some of the mothers asked me to "azan" their new borned baby since I was so nicely dress :P and wearing songkok some more. No kidding. That was the joy part of my working life.

During the day of hari raya , not many ppl come for delivery. Most of the mothers, waited until the end of the day. From morning till late noon, the labour room was pretty empty and relaxing. But, started from 8 o clock in the evening , ppl started coming in. By midnite - it was chaotic , normal service resume.

Today, it would be worse coz a lot of mothers/ future moms would come with hypertension crisis coz they ate a lot of meat during hari raya. I know tomorrow it will be a very busy day at the labour room.

When I logged in to my YM just now, a junior asked me about the life as an intern. She asked "was it that bad?" I told her " No worry, it will pass away...."

Indeed, it wiil. But it takes time. For some ppl, maybe just a few days , for others... it might take forever. Depend on each individual. Depend on how u cope with the situation. But one thing I can be sure of , it will be a gruelling start for everyone :)


Mummy Aisya said...

Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha Doc..Berkorban apa saja....Betul ker?

Witty Angel said...

hannan!!kamu nampak kurusss lah!!!!


salam aidiladha....

salam singgah ke blog DOC...


Anggerek said...

Dr Hannan, Salam Eiduladha!

Anonymous said...

seronok lak tgk..hehehe...apapun selamat hari raya aidil adha..:)

keje rajin2 taw..:P

mummysyafie said...

hencem nya doc pakai baju melayu. kalau la hari² leh jumpa doc kat spital pakai camni kan..huhuhuh...tiap hari semput pun takper...

nan..kurus nya awak!!

Hudarling said...

kehensemanmu terserlah ngan baju melayu pakai songkok.ewah! :)

selamat hari raya aidiladha,my fav blogger doctor.

Mazza Homemade Cookies said...

salam aidil adha...sambut baby, macam best je..

nieja said...

slamat ari raya bro..
oho.. ari raye pon keje

lady D said...

bidan yg handsome-berbaju melayu & bersongkok...nama pun hari raya korban so kenala berkorban kan....cai yok cai yok

Mulan said...

banyak pahala tu.. kejap je tu..

ann said...


selamat hari raya aidiladha...

yana hashim said...

selamat berkorban di hari raya korban!!

way to go doc!!

norulaina said...

lehla tgk2kan nnt :)

Gorgeous Ol' Eve Loves Vanilla. You? said...

You do look tired in your picture. But you sound really okay! :)

Wahidah said...

salam aidiladha...wah bekerja ngan berbaju melayu...i like it..hehehe

Shah said...

I was on call malam raya - should've worn baju melayu jugak lah... Maybe next year la when it's probably my turn to be on call masa raya...