Me myself wasnt such a good boy during my school days. When I was in form 1 and form - I was well known in the school for my "not so good" behavior. And yes, with that kind of repo - it did evoked the seniors. Being "belasah" by the senior at school did happen to me. It usually happened during the weekend. Hence, came friday , me n a few of my fren tried to run away. But most of the time - we had no where to run ... and we eventually ended up beaten by the senior.... for very illogical reasons....
Definitely we hated our seniors very much - some of us did pray to God day and nite so that the senior will do badly in their SPM exam - and unsuprisingly God did answer some of the prayer.
At first , after been beaten up by the seniors , I said to myself ... I will do the same thing when I become the senior - I'll do exactly what my senior did to me to my future junior.
When I became the senior at the school - for some reason , I became a bit wiser and start to be more logical in my daily act. It came to my mind " Why should I be so EVIL to my junior? Why should I be so CRUEL? WHY I want to be someone HATED?
These were the questions that kept going on my mind and I decided to be just a plain guy at the school. I choosed not to be involved with the bullying and whatsoever. I'm not someone loveable, but at the same time - I think , the junior didnt pray that I failed my SPM. Looking back at the choice I made , I reckon I made the rite one.
I definitely think I'm in the same situation rite now..... being a is always a dreadful period being someone new.
just received a sms from a fren in moscow, said that it's now -21 degree over there. Freakin cold!
I miss the snow a lot.... miss moscow a lot.. :)
Miss all the joy n fun in moscow...
Dear you,
Alahai ... masa kecik-kecik je semua tuh ... dah jadi pengalaman kan?
Well, good for you kalau u feel that way now ... me myself tak tahulah bila praktikal bulan 4 ni ... huhuhuhu!
nan, ko rindu moscow ek?
i pun rindu la tang bangunan2 dier tuhhh :D
mesia neh sgt panas kan.. hehehe.. bestnya main snow =P~
hannan rindu kat sana ke? akak pun rindu tengok posting hannan pasal moscow.
You are indeed a wise guy, bro..... never follow others' footsteps in order to venge your grudges....
Moscow misses you too. I do and please send my love to Shida :)
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