So, I sms Shida, that we gonna go outing at the park today and have some fun with the fresh snow. She agreed , plus cik sue and sya also would love to join us. The best time to play with the snow is when it's still fresh - meaning during the first week of snow fall because snow flakes only fall down during the early part of winter. In the middle winter, there is no more snow flakes, it's more like a cotton - smashing onto ur faces. What's the different btwn snow flakes and other snow? If u want to make a snow man, or have some snow ball fight, u gonna need the snow flakes because snow flakes bind stronger.
Enuf with the snow flakes story then. So, 4 of us, head to the park. It was around 3.oo pm. Need to be fast because by 4.00 pm, it's already dark here. ( maghrib masuk dalam pukul 4 ptg during winter). The weather was really good, not too cold, around -5 degree I guess ; the snow was falling lightly, just enuf to bring the mood alive :)
Enuf with the snow flakes story then. So, 4 of us, head to the park. It was around 3.oo pm. Need to be fast because by 4.00 pm, it's already dark here. ( maghrib masuk dalam pukul 4 ptg during winter). The weather was really good, not too cold, around -5 degree I guess ; the snow was falling lightly, just enuf to bring the mood alive :)
As we reached the park, the photography session started! Yup, typical Malaysian, we just cant leave home without the camera nowdays... hahaha. The snow was fresh, not so many people, and it did look like we were in Alps or somewhere near there. The view was breathtaking. The lake was half frozen and the trees were covered with snow. I'm really gonna miss this view. This is my final winter here in moscow.
In the photo above, u can see the lake is half frozen. There were still some wild ducks having some last swin there coz I believe in few more days, the lake gonna be fully frozen and the russian will start sking on that. Yup, in photo also u can see the girl scouts , marching thru the snow. hahahhahaa...
In the photo above, u can see the lake is half frozen. There were still some wild ducks having some last swin there coz I believe in few more days, the lake gonna be fully frozen and the russian will start sking on that. Yup, in photo also u can see the girl scouts , marching thru the snow. hahahhahaa...
and here the 3 girl scouts - sya, shida and sue. Three best friends, the musketeer, three future docs, 3 - whatever it is. :P. Anyway, we all had fun, shall we go there again girls???
let's go again nx time k dear.... n shud take more pics....
eee...bestnye korang main snow...last sekali i main snow kat Bukit Cerakah, shah alam...kat rumah salji tu...hehehe
bestnye dpt main snow..bila la gamaknye aku nak kesana..huhu
tiffany - ok dear ;)
waliz - kite x pernah sampai bukit cerakah pon... huhuhu... tu kat shah alam ek? x perasan la pulak
ita - bile2 pon bole :)
aaa bestnyaa..
i miss the snow..
tingat zmn2 kecik when we were in UK.
waaaa can i fly to moscow like nowww!!
dah lama dah..skrg dengar dah tutp...malaysia bolehhhh...
sejuk sejuk ni ada mandi tak...hehehe
hannan.. knp lawa sgt snow kt park m2 tu? nmpak mcm kapet baldu. serius lawa betul. yg hari punye snow lg lawa kn. pg td sy kuar bilik pukul 7.30. blizzard. huahua.. rasa nak melayang ntah ke mana. tp best..!
husna - jom.. selamat datang ke moscow!!!
waliz - mesia bole ajer..
sarah - jom la dtg park m2 ... hehehe..
errr me dont like dont like snowman....i have a love hate relationship with these 2... :D
Winter taun ni mst akan jadi heavier than last year kan? Baru awal2 the snow dah mounting..
wow... azra.. u sure has a lot of history :)
intan... it better be... hehehe...
uihh dah 6th year pun still ada gambar2 "jakun" hehehe... bro u better take care, dont be like me sick when it's not even snowing yet here! :p
alaa .. main ice ice baby pulak
main baling2 snow pun best yek...ala2 film hindustan gitu...hehehe
suhaibah sangat cummel..she's so pretty..=)-aina-
perghhhhhhhhhh... syoknya!
nan..akak jeles lah ngan korang ni..pengalaman yang indah kan nan
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