Yes, it's snowing again! The snow has stop falling for the past few days here in moscow. What happened was, the temperature went up, more then 0 degree. Therefore, the snow on the ground started melting and it kept raining. This is the worst weather u could possiblely see here every year! It's so damn dirty! Sigh..... Today I went to Oxodny Ryad shopping center, which is located near the Kremlin. Reached there by 3 pm and the sun was still shining. But, on the way back, around 5 pm, It was already dark!!!
Currently, I'm having my tuberculosis posting. Lucky me that the hospital located quite near to my home. But, the class finish pretty late everyday , which really drained my energy. When I got back home everyday, all I could think of is "sleeping". Aaaaaa.... I cant imagine how my HO life gonna be next year. I might need to sign a sponsorship contract with RED BULL , coz I'm gonna need a lot of that so called energy drink! I cant drink too much coffee coz nowdays, too much caffeine make me feel like vomitting.
Someone asked me just now. " x study ker? ". eerrghh... Gimme a damn break will ya! I've been study all day long! ( a bit of exageration here!). But, frankly, I've been doing a lot of reading lately. Never happened before u know.... hahaha... finally, I feel like a med-student. Being in the final year, really scared the hell out of me! Hope it's not too late... better late than sorry aite? To my dear fren waliz - pls cheer up dear!... to azra... put ur photo back! hahahaha....
My thought of the day-
Some said , "If u dont try, u wont fail" But, what's the point of living if u are scared of taking risks and keep running away from the possibilties?
Nan, whooaaa take it easy, give urself a break every now and then eh...dont stressed out!.....err just a thought:if you are not living on the edge, you are wasting space...hehehehe, so yeah explore and take risks, otherwise you wont learn...
and as for the photo....nahhhh 24hrs on the blog is enough!.....:D
hannan dear, i'm bouncing back like nobody business now..toing!toing!hehehe..thanks for your support la..u did cheer me u take care of yrself will study jugak..hmmm u knw better thn me..u r the doctor here..who am i to advise kalo nak counseling boleh kot??
nan..tak pe..sebab i tak reti bertag2 ni hahahahahahha...
takde dosa ehh
nnan .. tolong bungkuskan snow tuh ke malaysia
tenkiu nnan
u take care k
azra - no worry dear... I know my limit... and I'm having my break now and then.. thanks for being so concern! appreciate that!
waliz - good to hear that u are back in the game!
mrs sheikh - iskh.. mane ade dosa2 pulak... hehehe..
lily - seandainya ku mampu... akan ku tunaikan pinta mu itu..
weyoo...plastik oggi tuh. awk punye ke, kak shida punye.. heheh. good Nan. sometimes we are just way better to work under pressure.
seronok aja tgk gambar2 snow neh..
nan..nanti balik m'sia tapau kan snow tu sekali erkk..nak rasa sikit..macam ABC ke
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