It's 4 a.m - I just woke up. I slept at 6pm yesterday, planned to wake up around 11pm or 12 to do some revision or whatsoever.Unsuprisingly, didnt happen. I did open my eyes at that time, but didnt have much will power to really leave the bed. Maybe I'm too tired. I'm very2 exhausted for the last few days. My body is really weak... my mind- totally messed up. Thousand of stuffs linger around my brain, dancing on my nerves.....really ruined my days. Maybe it's the weather.. , no more sunshine today. It's officially winter today. Yup, 1st of november. Even thou there isnt snow yet, it's technicallly winter here in moscow. From early november, until end of february..... hope it's not winter yet in my head.... my summer need to do list isnt fully accomplish yet.
dr jauh aku tengok gambo tu kan
aku dah tau mana ko
baju ko tu bak kata aku lg sekali la kan
sebatu mak leh kenal nyah!!!
Nan...pukul 6pm dah tido?ish ish ish....penat bebenor gamaknya ye?
mission not accomplish? nevermind...winter ni buat azam baru kay???
sy pun tido awl smlm n bgn tgh mlm utk buat mcm2 benda yg wajib buat. sy faham sbb sy pun cycle yg sama n sgt la jauh jgk. balik dh penat, hari pun dh mlm. rehat terbaik is sleep. badan mmg sakit2. oh 1 more thg, di blog sy ada sunshine. silalah dgr2kn utk mendptkn smula sunshine yg hilang :)
smoga tabah ye nan. doa sy sntiasa x lepas utk sume senior final yr. klu sy yg 5th yr ni pn terasa bahangnye, apatah lg korang sume ye.
kak red - saya mmg vogue. full stop
waliz - tiap2 baru kene azam baru... hehehe...kesian azam lama.. asyik dilupakan
sarah - sarah...thanks... :)
what i wanna say bout hannan dalam pic tuh ..
mungkin letih la tu...biasa lah ya
penat sangat kot..kepala pun berat pikir byk benda..
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