My weekend bad news!
1. dinner with Dr Sheikh, cancelled ( I think all of u should know what's the reason!)
2. my Guess watch - I accidentally dropped it on the floor -hard surface- it was a very2 hard drop, cant really recalled what actually happened, but now, my beloved watch, which is a gift from Shida, not functioning! I'm currently watch-less coz i am too busy to go and fix it up. It should be still under guaranteed.... should be... hmmm
3. Our beloved Untie Adie (pix below), left moscow for good on saturday. Now, she's bz doing some shopping at Dubai before arriving at KLIA on wednesday. Untie adie, we already miss u!
4. I missed M1 kakhovskaya open house. Really want to go there, but, something happened- last minute.. sorry guys. Appreciate the invitation thou :)
5. White team didnt win the futsal tournament last saturday!
6. hmmmm... enuf la ekkkk.... the good news
1. Shida is getting better !
2. duit RAYA" from mommy!!!! hahaha... a lot!!.. i just cant thank u enuf!!!!! Mommy - I LOVE U SO MUCH even if u gave me nothing, but the "duit raya" makes me love u more!!!
3 Man utd goal crazy win over M'boro! Go RED DEVILS!!!
4 Red team didnt win the tournament neither, the black team won... hahahha, sorry kak red
5 Liverpool vs arsenal - ended up draw...
6 allowance JPA dah masuk.... oyyyeaaahhh..
7. well... not so many bad news after all i guess :) !
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Tuesday, October 30, 2007
~back to the future~
As much as some of my weekend plans didnt go as the way I planned it to be, there were still some good thing happened to me, and of course, there were few casualty too! Ok, let's do my weekend round-up, the good news and the bad news. So, since there isnt much good news this weekend, let's start with all the bed news!
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wow...duit dah masuk ya..
wahhh..hannan tgh kaya nie..
duit raya, duit allowance..
duit raya adam aqil sila pos kan yea...
nnan ...
sian citer sedih
jangan berduka lara
duit dah masuk kan
ape lagi ..
shoppinggggggggggg !!
ngeh ngeh ~
siaann jam guess tu..dia dah tahu nan dah loaded tu pasal minta ganti yg baru....
Nan, do you know that shopping is the best therapy??? go try then tell me eh....hahahahaha....;)
perabihkan duit tu ye nan
pastu sok sok...mak duit dah abih la mak...
anw, perfume sets aku mana? duit dah kelepuk dpt tuh!
lagi satu
bidaah la x kan red team kalah..
kentong lebih je mamat ni mentang2 aku x de di tpt kejadian..
alam- ha ah.... jutawan segera... tapi kejap jer..
iefa - pos ek... beresssssssssssssssssssssss...
lily - hmmm.. xder mende nak shopping aaa...
waliz - kasi jam satu bole?
azra - thanks azra for the advice.. i know it works!
kak redku sayang - va va va va.... kedai perfume tutup 2 bulan :)
Boleyyy....jam mickeymouse or spiderman...banyak kat tesco...kih kih kih
Salam hannan.
harap sihat2 je ye walaupun cycle nun jauh kt utara nun.
1-psl jam tu, kalau ada masa, go fix it. kalau x elok jgk, beli la yg baru. lg pun, 1 keperluan kn. klu sy, x leh hidup klu x de jam tgn. susah.
2-dgn auntie adie bleh jmpa kt msia kn. oh, sy dh dpt smula novel2 sy. yabedabedu~
3-kalah futsal tu, xpe la..x de rezeki. kalau asyik menang je, satgi org jaki plak. susah. hehe
4-mmg rugi terlepas open house di kahovs. sgt best. makanan mmg superb. kalah embc! (ups..marah org embc klu baca ni)
5-alhamdulillah kak shida dh makin sehat.
6-erk..dapat duit raya jgk eh? yeye.. kita anak2 besar yg beruntung kn nan!
7-amboi2..mntang2 allowance dh masuk, happy bebenor dia yek. behave nan behave. satgi ada org jpa baca ni, susah plak. :p
sila rajin2kan diri membuat persiapan sbg final yr stdnt ye. sekian trma kasih. -pesanan penaja-
all d best nan!
tq sarah.... :)
dapat duit raya ke? best nye..
shida tak sihat yer
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