"A man in love is incomplete until he has married, then he is finished."
For the past few weeks, moscow become no1 destination for Malaysian. Well, one of the biggest reason is, the "angkasawan" project - which in fact brought a lot of ministers here, dato2... datin2... and of course... the reporters. I met some of them at the red square last week. In the photo above is my photo with the reporters from Berita Harian (the guy), NST and The Star (the ladies... i reckon). I cant really remember all of their names.... well.. u all know rite that I'm bad with names.. haha.. funny! I heard that they all will be staying here until Sheikh lands next week. Well guys.. hope u all are enjoying moscow!
Someone makes me feel very proud of myself yesterday. She told me that she started blogging after being a so called stalker at my blog. Wow... i cant believe that my silly blog would encourage someone else to blog as well. Or maybe she's trying to prove that she could be a better blogger ( hahaha..kidding there Sarah!). Well, whatever the reason was/is , blogging bring us closer. Makes us a good fren. Even thou we hardly each other or talk to each other in real life, but here in the cyber world, i feel that she is listening to every word i said. ( kak red, ni bukan ayat nak tackle awek ekk... ) hehehe... anyway Sarah, i hope that both of us will keep blogging... and be in touch ... forever :) ... iskh2.. jiwang la pulak malam2 ni ek.... anyway, Good nite everyone... to all the futballers.. I'll see u all tomorrow!
Nan, sy dh ingt dh camne sy jumpa blog awk ni dulu. sy ada big bro di manchester. dia pun blogging jgk. then drpd blog dia sy kenal ihab. drpd blog ihab, sy jumpa link wenkt di france (kawan awak n ihab). then dr situ ntah mcm mane kebetulan jumpa blog ni. evensince then, mmg evry wk sy bukak. at least, sy tau cite psl m2 kt sini. huhu. panjnag lebar. puas sy nk ingtkn camne sy jmpa blog ni. meleret smpai ke UK, france, baru jumpa org Moscow. hehe. yes hannan. bersatu teguh la kita the moscow bloggers :p
nntkan kedatangan ku moscow ...
yang pasti bukan skang. hihihihi :D
pssttt nnan .. tak dapat curtain purple, tukau kaler jadi purple pun jadi la eh ??
hahahaha :))
br aku nak kutuk kaler purple dia, lily dah attack lu.
ly..gimme lima!!
and satu lg ayat2 yang si nan ni bagi kat ko tu sarah, camtu le dia bg kat aku lu..aku lah akak dia aku lah diva dia aku lah segalanya
tgk nnt bila dia dah jadi doctor terhormat, dia pandang idak akak blogger tersohor dia ni
sarah - panjang betul citer awal tu ek....
lily - what evaaaaaaaa... hahahha
kak red - biasa la..biar manis di mulut, jangan manis dalam darah! mulut kene la manis sket ek... baru x kene diabetic melitus... hahahaha....
i pulak ter'stumble' your blog through azra's..i tgk bukan main aktif lagi korang bersoaljawab dgn azra, lily and kakred...naik jeles pulak...hehehe..gurau aje..tapi citer moscow ni memang best..nice to meet u..bukan apa..nanti senang nak dapat mc..gitu gitu la..:D:D
waliz - cik waliz, anda dengan segala hormatnya dijemput utk menyertai kasi bersoal balas di sini... jangan malu2 yer.... hehehe... xder nak jeles2 pon :).
iskh... moscow ni best ke? hahahaha
welcome to the club waliz!
encik hannan (ayat skema) i jumpe blog u sebab i surf blog mrmanager pastu i bukak blog red diva..pastu tgk blog u ..hehehehe.. selamat jadi doktor..
muarrghahahahaahaha....apa nih apa nih kaler apa nih....sakit mataaaa laaaa.....Nan ur ayat kat sarah tu cam ni la kira jiwang 'gayish' bley????.....hahahahahaha.....
lv - thanks lv.... apsal x le view ur punye profile ek? anyway, welcome to my blog...:)
azra - iskh2... ape lak sakit2 mata dibulan syawal yang mulia ini azra oiiii.... hehehe.. gay pon gay la cik azra oiiii
ye ke? ermm..tgk blog dah ke?
dah baca dah :)
gd nite... kahkahkah...
panjang tul citer sarah tu..tapi weldone sbb dier ingat semua
best2... kalo manis dlm darah.. leh han ubat kan. wahahahah
kesinambungan komen kak red.. hehe
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