ramadhan is finishing.
Attention !!! .. I'll be celebrating Hari Raya AidilFitri here in Moscow on friday the 12th october. To those who want to celebrate hari raya earlier, u are most welcome to come and join me in Moscow. Yes, we gonna have rumah terbuka here too. and of course, the angpau here is bigger than malaysia. hhhahahahah... Yes.. on ur face!!! ( yes, i'm trying to make myself feel better here, so pls, ignore what i just typed!). Hmmm... even thou Raya is only 2 days away, i cant really feel the spirit yet. Well, basically, here - either raya or not - it still the same. No "biskut raya" sold at the supermarket, no "meriam buluh" (we use missle here - safer!) , no Jalan TAR to buy baju raya or whatsoever (to lily!) and traffic is congested as always (to kak red). So, technically, my daily life here is still the same. Not gonna paint my room or change the curtain. Well, maybe i just change the bed sheet. Plus, a bit cleaning here and there.... and that's all...
Nevertheless... even thou there is no "pelita berkelip-kelipan" here, Raya is gonna be still Raya , no matter where u are ( "di mana jua anda berada"... cheewahh). Thanks to Jackie for the kuih raya - all the way from Singapore. (thanks to His Excellency for carrying them all the way from there!). I really love the "biskut makmur". Yes, the green one. I already ate a few, cant wait until raya. Shida is also making a lot of kuih raya this year.... so.. gonna be a lot of biscuit and foods this raya. Since this is the last Hari Raya for me in moscow, gonna make the most meaningful one. But, i dont have any idea yet what to do during hari raya.... any ideas guyss? need some help here. Last year, after "solat raya: at the embassy, i went back home and slept until evening and got ready for class the next day. This year, gonna be 3 days off.. should do something better.... hmmm... idea..ideaa...
merasalah x raya kat malaysia ..
ada ketupat .. lemang .. kuah kacang .. rendang .. uuuuuu sedapnya !!!
x main la import mamport nih ..
original made in malaysia ..
x kesot laa kalau dia raya awal pun
nan..akak suggest ko pi beraya dr umah ke umah x kisah le umah org tu kapir ke hapa kan, janji ko pi je ngan baju melayu ko
agak2 dema sian dema bg le angpau seciut...
setakat 2 kuih ngan kuih2 yg shida buat tu eleh, mana nak sama ngan raya kat sini. kat sini ada mak abah tau wpun mak aku msh lg di mekah tp tetapppppppp gak ada family kat sini
leh raya sana sini
jalan x jem leh tido baring kat kl nye jalan ni ha
leh main bunga api yeyeeeeeeee!!!
eii mcm2 ada kat kl ni dr kat moscow tu haa
raya rayaaaaaaaaaaa!!!
tu die... kak red kite dah sakit jiwa.... tolon... tolon...
lily - lily, kite dah anggap awak mcm sister dah... xder nak tackle2... iskh2..
hmmm Nan, so many things you can do,but anything you do pun, it wont be the same as rayaing in Mesia, tau ka?.....hahahahahahaha......, chill laaaa, its your last year, make full use of it...hope you have a blast anyways!....;)
ps: why dont you wear baju melayu thru and thru during your holidays..that should do the trick kan? kan? kan?
Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri walau di mana jua anda berada..lagi sian kat sheikh Muzaffar our first Malaysian astronout tu...lagi jauh... n ntah mana2 dia berayakan?
nnan .. no worries kay !! mak meghah saje nak menyakat & sambil tuh kasi peringatan kat u .. hikk hikk ..
enjoy ur hari raya k ;)
jemput la datang umah oiiiiiiiiii
dude, selamat hari raya maaf zahir batin. patut ko ikut astronot kita tu hehehehe
tapi aku rasa tido pun ok gak ;P
k selamat in watever u wanna do!
azra - hahaha... i'll try the baju raya trick. but i think it wont work if there is only me who's doin it! haahaha.
waliz - u must be kidding me.... sheikh is having the time of his life up there!... To miss one hari raya to be on space? i'd do that for 2 hari raya! hahaha... welcome to my blog waliz...
lily - thanks :)
en sirman... niat di hati, memang la nak ikut, tapi lupe la nak beli tiket naik roket tu.... ari tu dgr citer ade rocket tambahan,...tapi JPJ x kasi terbang.. sbb rocket lama ...
idea?? buat open house. then jemput kami dtg. that would b so great n grand :)
hahah. taun depan jpj luluskn balik roket lame tu. tp u wont be here dah kan?
yea la ape je kat sini. open house ar.. karaoke lagu raye.. pakai baju raya pegi kelas.. huaaa.
dapat biskut raya yer
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