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Tuesday, December 04, 2012

one liter of tear

i am sure a lot of people here have watched the famous this japanese drama entitled " ONE LITER OF TEAR

Basically it is about a girl name AYA who has been diagnosed with spinocerebellar degeneration disease.
what the heck is spinocerebellar degeneration disease ... in short + layman understandable sentence .. ur brain is shrinking and u start losing ur movement and sense.. little by little until u succumbed to death

yeah , it is cruel

I watch the movie when i was still a medical student
it touched my heart and i did cry when watching it
never thought i would see this case coming to my clinic,,

until about a week ago,

a parent brought in their 18 years old daugther to my clinic
she was on the wheel chair
the father came to me and explained the history of the daugther disease

it started when she was in form 5
she suddenly felt at school
after the accident , she cant walk anymore
the condition worsening and effect the whole lower limb
she was brought to the university hospital
MRI was done and the doctors there told the parent that the disease has no cure
they told the parent that their daughter brain is shrinking

the father was dissapointed and skipped the follow up treatment at the hospital
her condition worsening at home..
they finally decided to bring their daugther to doctor again as she was unable to speak and unable to hold stuff with her hands

when she came to me...
i remembered this movie

the parent is having a hard time trying to understand their daugther condition
i cant blame them..
technically speaking.. the disease is worse than cancer
slowly she will lose her motor function
and someday in near future she will stop breathing

my tear dropped as i explained in detail to her father regarding her condition
 he was shocked , as the doctors previously never gave him full coverage regarding her daughter situation...
he bursted into tears as well.

Life is cruel at times
this disease has no cure
she will suffer until the day she died
the mother told that sometimes at night the daughter will cry alone in her room

the father asked me.." doctor , technically , this disease is worse than HIV right ?"
that was the hardest thing for me to answer...
what would u say?
people with HIV could live longer technically...

I pray to ALLAH , to bless the family
she definitely will be in heaven
God has better plan for her
the parents has been through a lot

it remind me..
how thankful i should be
how grateful to God i should be
for the good health ,
for the wonderful family.
thank you ALLAH


ninazarina said...

Dr. Han,

The disease can attack anyone, or it is a genetic disease? What is the cause and how to prevent?

Anyway I never watch this movie but A Moment To Remember (korean drama). It is about a girl diagnosed with Alzheimer.

dayanaazhar:) said...

YA must be genetic right doc? Or is it have to do with being hit on the head/accidents? I too wanna know what the cause for this disease. And, after years, what's the progress in making this disease curable??