Love need no reason..
Selamat Pengantin Baru, kpd cousin aku... Dr Nazuha.. and... ( aku x tau nama hubby die!!! couldnt be bother to ask... heheheh.. nanti la aku tanye..) heheheh....xper.. nanti aku balik mesia bole kenal.. Semoga berkekalan selamanya.... maka.. seorang lagi cousin aku meniggalkan zaman bujang... ( tapi semua kawin time aku xder kat mesia... damn!!!) xper2... hahhaha.. adat org merantau.. anyway... walaupon aku x sempat nak kirim hadiah ape2 kat diorang... tapi aku kirimkan doa jer la.. lagi baik kan ???? Hmmm.... sape la pulak nak kawin lepas ni ek.. aku??? hmmm... I'll take my time.... Marriage isnt just getting two ppl together... it's a constitution... hehehhe,.. (cakap senang..).. to make a good constitution... u need a good base.... and... to have a good base... u need be very2 ready.... and to be ready.... u need to be prepared... and to be prepared... u need to be .... hmmm.. whatever it takes... ( I'm out of words!!!)... . but.. my point is... hmmmm... occay.. I'm not married yet... so... I have no point here. hahahhaha But then... in my humble ,single man opinion... marriage isnt s'thing simple.. it's not just bringing 2 ppl together.. it's a lot more than that... like a big package... like Einstein said , Marriage = Love + taking care of each other ( anak dara org kene jaga baik2 wooo) + sharing everything+waking up in the morning with ur loved one beside u (maybe on top) + responsibility + in Law (mentua)+wearing ring+blaming each other when there is problem+ bet on manutd vs chelsea game to decide nak balik raya kampung mane...+x le gatal2+bayar balik loan bank sbb mase nak nikah nak majlis kawin mcm sambutan tahun baru kat manhattan + bla bla bla bla bla... so.. for me.. marriage is a big2 thing... I do have a lot of respect to married man/woman... hhhahaha... anyway.. again... congrate Kak Ha... .. true love does find it ways .... Kak red, this is s'thing about me that ppl dont know.. ..I love classical music.. I listen to mozart, beethoven, brahms ++++... . and .. I know nothing about piano or any other musical instrument.. . but still I do enjoy classic music, a lot.. u dont need to know everything about s'thing to love it.. rite? Same goes to women... U dont have to know every single detail about a women to love her... love need no reason.. and believe me, there is no reason to love.. when u really love someone... and ur heart says so.. that's more than enough....( ceehhh... cakap senang... )
budak kecik
meh sini, akak nikahkan ko. mmg susah, payah maung segala bagai, single pun susah x kawin pun org bising, kawin pun kang sibuk tanya bila nak beranak, dah beranak kang org tanya bila nak tambah anak dah 2 anak pun kang tanya bila lagi nak tambah anak
org kita x kan sudah ngan soalan tah hape!!!
anw, nntlah..akak nak jawab entry ko ni tp akak ngah ngantuk, yg akak bebel ni belum menjawab lg pasal revealing yr secret profiles etcs.
kak red...kawinkan saye same..saye pun dah bosan org kg dok tanya bila nak kawin.seb baik saye x leh kawin pat..kalu x abis lelaki kat dunia ni aku sapu...eiiii..gatalnye aku...
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