weekend is over...
adeih... dah tgh malam hari ahad.. besok kelas... hmm. cepat nye weekend berlalu.. tapi kalau weekday, rase mcm xder penhujungnya... hahhaa.. lumrah hidup.. nak wat camner... terima jer la ngan reda. skarang dah kul 12 mlm.. hmm.. kene tido awal sbb nak bgn awal, tapi baju tgh dlm washing machine lagi... kene tunggu siap.. pastu kene jemur dulu... aiseh.. tido lambat jugak la nampaknya... namun xper.. besok bole tido dalam kelas... har har har..... tomorrow... gynae episode to be continue.. Played badminton today.. played 10 sets, double game. We won 5 games, lost 5. but due to time constrain, couldnt make it to the 11th game.. so have to wait for next time to decide who's the winner... and now.. I am very tired. Tomorrow class is about uterus cancer. hmmm.. need to do some revision later... heheheh... easier said than done.. Once glance at the text book is enuf to put me into sleep... hhahahahah.. well.. at least I tried... maybe not enuf effort.. wish that I have the same will power now, like I have during the exam period. But, just cant do it, maybe the tension is not high enuf.. well.. the higher the stake, the harder we work.. hmmm.But, Sometimes... our best , is just not good enuf.. so.. always try harder.. heheheh...
1 comment:
tido lam kelas???
budak niiiiii
eh hannan ko bajar ni sponsor mana? mara ke jpa ke petronas ke fama ke mafa ke?
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