sunday morning...
actually, aku xder mood giler nak update ari ni.. letih sgt ari ni.. 2 hours non-stop futsal... erghh... damn tiring... after that went dinner at chinese garden.. apparently it's located inside the world trade center hotel...... anyway.. tomorrow gonna play badminton.. need be fit b4 go back m'sia since I already made kak red pissed off very much!!! hehehhe... here are some photos during my basketball days.. it's hard to play basketball when u r not that tall ... heheh.. in m'sia is still ok.. but here.. I look like a dwarf... learned a few lesson lately.. life is suck (as usual).. no matter how much u try to please everyone.. in the en
d of the day.. u still make someone else angry or unsatisfied with u.. no matter how hard u try... seriously.. I mean.. look around u.. even u r a prime minister.. ur decision may be a good news for a lot of ppl.. but still there are some group of ppl who are against u.. that's the fact that will never change.. and in our normal daily life.. it happens everyday.. Well.. some ppl said " peduli ape aku ape org kata... aku buat cara aku jer la.. the way I liked it".. which is true.. and that what we should do. BUT... we cant do that all the time.. cause, we are human.. and human need other to cling on when they need s'thing.. so.. most human end up.. being a jerk.. trying to please everyone around him, ..and continue live in hipocracy... and life goes on.. la la la laa...
erkk!! rendah ker??? kalo kat mesia awak paling tinggi kut! tersenarai mesia book of record. keh keh keh!
kalo ko yg galah ni dikata rendah gak kat sana..kalo akak gamaknya apa katanya?
motif tu pasal akak x penah main basketball, kang bukan bola dihayunnya ngan akak2 sekali masuk lam net ball tu.
orang tu jeles la tu blog han dah ramai peminat...
err kalau rajin , masuk la blog aku yg sunyi tu yeaa....hehe.promote skit...
salam kembalik to u hannan :)
diatas sebab2 yang tak dapat dielakkan blog adress telah ditukar kpd
han pendek!
hannan, kred, shasha ween tukau link lagi lah...
do update kay!! muacckkkksssss..
hannan, hapdetlahhhhhhh
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