Jebon n the gang part 1
dari kiri - nwar, faiz, effa (intan), jebon (zau), me, shaiful - credit to zak for all the photos below.
Occay, rather than talking about man utd lost last nite, i 'd rather talk about my frens visit to Russia last weekend. Yes cik equalibrium... man utd was totally outplayed last nite... milan was a better team , and kaka is more good looking than Ronaldo, but, in my defence.. MU was very tired for last nite game and it was raining badly.. but.. in the end of the day, what matter was the final score line.. and man utd was beaten... finally... and i accepted that.. but.. dont worry.. there is always next year...
Back to Jebon n frens journey to Russia, they all arrived on Thursday afternoon at Bnukovo airport, about 30 mins drive from my place...quite near actually. So, on the 1st day, we all went to visit the red square... a must visit place in Moscow.. The pic above is the St Basil Cathedral, some might call it the Lego Building... hahaha.. true enuf, but it's really a beauty. As a matter of fact, St Basil is voted for the next new 7 wonders. We'll see either this building will make it or not for the top 7 on 07/07/07 - lisbon Portugal.
To be honest, last week wasnt the best time to visit Russia, bcoz it was still cold here... (yes.. technically winter is over 2 month ago!!!)... and today, it was snowing again. But, thank God it was quite warm in moscow on the day they arrived... so.. at 1st it was kinda a big realief, bcoz, cold weather is a totally turn off for sight seeing in Moscow..
hmmmm... ni jer la utk episode 1 perjalanan jebon ke Russia... ade bnyk lagi gambar ni. tapi skarang aku dlm process nak cover balik tido n keje2 tertangguh... so.. nantikan la.. gambar2 menarik di moscow ni .. dan juga St Petersburg. St pete is a place.. up north Russia... near to Finland.... (kpd sorang budak ni yg x tau St pete kat mane...!! :)) hehehe.. dan kpd sape2 yg berminat ngan gadis remaja cun melecun... sila la ke website ni... selamat berkenalan!!!!
oo..mcm tu ke citanye..hope ur ankle will fully recover over time. moscow games wasnt that grand, but was still a good job though. i grabbed home gold medal for pingpong. cepat2. nak hadiah dr st. pete (wlupun dh penah pegi.huhu). out of the 3, i a few times met 1 of them. saiful ye nama dia kalau x silap. sume gmbr2 ni cantek2 nih. sape snap ni? sume zak ke?
p/s:MU klh thn ni x bererti dia teruk. (baca: dgn nada bersungguh-sungguh)
hehehe...MU nye defender sgtla teruk..n vice versa wth AC Mizal..hiks! their defenders giler best. I cant say AC won coz of luck.They really deserved it due to Rooney The Shrek n Ronaldo played so bad. So...Sejarah 2 thn lps berulang n mmm...dunno which 1 should i go for..Liverpool or AC Mizal???ngeh ngeh ngeh!
Ko x ckp lagik st pete kat mana ngan tptnye...Aku dok carik dlm peta topo daerah Bachok/Pasir Putih nie???Xdok pong namo tmpt Finland sini...Guo Muse ado laaaa...ishk...Jauh kot dr Klate??? tanya cikgu geog aku lah nanti!
Ko jgn berkabong lama2 tau...Bangkit dan sokongla AC or Liv..Mana2 la ko sker!
Peace nan!!!aku sker!!!
akak dah pi website yg ko promote tu
serious gila cun!!!
awek ko ke?
single kan dia tu? she looks like 18 yrs old, isnt she?
is that yr gf?
mmg ko very the lucky man to get her tho...
...matiklah berangan, sib baik sirman bukan jenis baca blog korang kan...
sarah... terbaca komen anda.Did we really meet? a few times? sorry i couldn't remember ...hehe, mesti jumpe kt moscgames kan? crowded sgt, x perasan kut.
gmbr2 ni semua mestila zak yg amek... mmg profi la dia, nanti nk suh dia amek gmbr aku kawen.
jaybond ke sana?? dem tergugat aku ni! hahahah
nak pi sana gak!!
seronoknyaa gi melawat moscow reramai...
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