Saturday Blues
I was searching for my spm certificate earlier today , since the SPA interview is around the corner. It took me quite a while to find it since the last time I saw my spm certificate was 6 years ago I reckon. After that, SPM result doesnt seemed to be a big deal anymore. I cant remember where I put it , but I do know it's here in moscow. I dont have the original copy, only the certified photostated copy. Eventually I found my so called "personal data file" at the book shelf. I went thru all my certificates , most of them came from the secondary school. I laughed my heart out when I saw my Japanese Language Certificate. Hahaha... Yes, I did learn Japanese Language at school and I sat for the big exam, and given all the luck in the world, I passed it :) Funny thing , I almost forgot about it and currently all my japanese words arent there anymore. All turned into Russian. My 4 years studying Japanese Language - squandered! What a waste :)
Another one that really amused me was the testimonial certificate from the school. "seorang pemimpin pelajar yang berdisiplin , bertanggungjawab, rajin, bersopan santun dan berwibawa"translation- " a very diciplined, responsible, hardworking , well mannered and outstanding student leader"I'm so sorry , I have to say it's not entirely true. Haahaha...Let's be frank here rite. Anyway, I would like to thanks the school thou. Appreciate it! Dicipline - errr .. no comment. Responsible - ermm... urmmm.. well... no comment. Hardworking - in things that I love, yes!. Well mannered - if I have to. Outstanding - hehehe... in certain area :P
While I was looking for the certificates , I came upon a few "classic" photos. The photo above was my first ever birthday party! It's true. My 1st birthday party was when I was 20 years old and it was a suprise bday party - arranged by my beloved Shida :) thanks a lot dear. U have no idea what it meant to me. Having to wait 20 years to have a birthday party - well, I have to say I nearly cried that nite. But with all my frens around - my tears were a bit shy to show themselves. But I could feel my tears running rite now. That's why I really appreciate ppl birthday a lot. I really enjoy birthday party, even it wasnt my birthday party. Again, thanks a lot dear. It was the best birthday party I ever had. Nevertheless, I dont blame my parent thou , since celebrating bday wasnt a trend in my family back then. Furthermore - I'm thankful enuf to my mom for delivering me alive to this world and raising me up. I have to tell u, it wasnt an easy job raising up a stubborn child like me. My mom is a supermom.
Occay then, enuf of the sad story. It's a bit gay! Did anyone recognize that lovely girl standing behind me? This picture was taken a few years ago. She does look a bit different now, so am I . I did put her latest photo here in , somewhere in my entry few months ago , so - let's see who has the best eyes! hahahah... To any guy out there, this pretty lady here is currently single at this moment? Are u dear? Last time I checked she's single. But make sure u have at least a million in ur saving account and a nice sport car. Agent's fee is negotiatable.
pelik gak napa aku org pertama bg komen, biasa berderet wanita2 sejati kat sini
yelah dulu nan akak kenal ni nobody
skang dah femes emes..
akak pun tumpang lalu je lah yer..
ko surat beranak ko x nak tempek nan?
surat ko msk sekolah rendah ke
surat benti sekolah jumpa tak?
tempek tau nan
akak suka baca...
awek tu -- cun tp mak x kuasa nak main teka2..
Nan, kasi tempek IC are rite, it is so ghey okeh!
she is pretty!You don't look gay but abit baby :P
kak redku sayang...
adoi la...
juliet... udah berapa kali ku katakan ... dikau la satu-satu nya kak red ku.. tiada dua nya... :P
nanti saya post surat beranak saya kat akak ekk. pastu akak letak kat blog tu...
azra - ha ah.. bole bole bole bole bole bole bole...
sweetiepie - finally... some truth... everyone... learn from sweetiepie plsss
budak itu memang lawa laaaaaaaa!
yeah yeah...
tempek ic n surat branak..
sape that lovely girl tu?? lawa arr Han..
bestkan kalau org tersayang buat surprise party utk birthday kita mcm tu.. untung Han dpt Ida.. :)
Ogenki desuka, future isha desune...
Hey I love languages myself, and I really don't think that its a waste at all.I have to say that I enjoy reading your blog and looking at your pictures .
sopan santun ye...mmg setujuk..hehe
hai hans.. wah wah hebat..
'disahkan lulus dng kepujian'
moshi moshi.. suzuki honda,ajinamoto.. hait...
erni - hehehe... hannan tu mmg hensem kan erni :P
ziana :P
EJ - she's a good fren of mine :) hanya kawan thou....
it was a lovely suprise...
azura - haiiittt.... genkidesssu.
:) thanks for dropping by here dear..
u r always welcome here!
ita - soMpan SaMtun ade aaa...
elly - haiiitt haittt.. haiitt hattiii hawaiii panama bay...
boleh ku bayangkan keterujaan dan sebak bile beday kite kene celebrate oleh org tersayang..
yelah tak penah2 dpt suprise..
korang membesar bagai johan betul
dlm gambar tu...
hehehehe .....
nak tergelak je nih
kwang kwang ~
u shud be politician mcm tuh .. coz seorang pemimpin yang berdisplin .. bla bla la ..
kelazzzz !!
whoaaaa...dats means
hans fasih berbahase jepun ler ek.
errr...watasih anoooo...watasihh...
ekekeke..hanye ittew jek yg z taw
name tul mmg hannan ker?ingtkn tu juz name gelamor jek..
nice name bro!!
wow..lain lah muka shida kat pic tu..
tak sia2 aku terjah blog ni..leh nampak pic lama
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