What a wonderful day... me finally passed the viva
and man utd kicked inter milan ass so bad !
WOnderful double win for me.. thank u God!
Gonna miss the labour room for sure!
There was my starting block... where I kicked start my life as a doctor
Looking foward for my orthopedic cycle...
Well.. enuf with pregnant ladies...
bring in the mat rempit!
Hannan, congrats!!!!!!!
owww congrats!..
orto doc huh? haha..
btw skrg ni kite mmg under klinik pakar orthopaedic hosp pjaya..
low back pain and abnormal spine katenye..
bolehla kasi advise sket2 about taking care my precious back bone huhuhuhu
congrats hannan...
semoga terus sukses utk orthopedic nanti..:)
bring it mat rempit-->cool statement!!congrats hanan!
Tahniah bro..nnt lepas Isyak bleh la wat sujud syukur..kui3..;p
meraung le mak2 budakk....
bring it the mat rempit??? whoaa...ortho mcm menarik jer..normally guys mesti suke ortho
bring it the mat rempit??? whoaa...ortho mcm menarik jer..normally guys mesti suke ortho
Alhamdulilah..... syukur.
Am happy for u.....
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