hehehe... anyway, I just came back from cuti-cuti Malaysia
Still very tired after hours of driving ...
VLV really showed what she made for :)
Me n shida had a wonderful journey!
Long story goes short...
Me N ShiDa is getting EngaGed :)
Well.. some might heard about it..
yes, the rumours are true.
Some might have receive the sms... :P
No big deal thou
Me is SO HappY rite nOw...
just Cant desCribe the feEling..
Felt likE FaLLing in LovE with the Same persoN
For The 2nd tiME...
It's So EXciting..
Yeah.. to ThoSe who kNew me..
Know That I'M nOT A bIG Fan OF mArRIAgE,.
bUT Then.. WhaT caN I Say..
iF it's GonNa Happen.. it will happen...
I onCe said to a fren WhiLE we Were playing pooL..
The BLack Ball...( the 8 ball) is Like MarrIaGge..
Once It Goes In.. GAme is Over..
Well.. mayBe for me..
it'S aboUt time..
THe Game is ovEr..
BuT It's tHE StartinG Point of a new liFe :)
Congrate hannan.. i read those engagement-thingy in redmummy entry... so, as expected.. congrate again!!
congrate both of u! :)
tahniah nan & ida...:)
congratulations...!!! so happy for both of u..!!
Wah. Congrats to u, Hannan & Kak. Shida!
Congrats bro..... may Allah bless you both till end of time. InsyaAllah. Amin.
Wow! Congrats to both of YOU ...may you be blessed with happiness, patience and prosperity together :))
congratz to both of u...
knp tk upload gmbr tunang...shida for sure tk letak punya kt blog die...blog shida dh berdebu..hehehe
camne shida leh jumpa madu dier pegang² bagai erkk? kalau akak jumpa madu..harusss aku sekeh kang
taniah hannan...dapat sms tu terus senyum je akak.
Awwwww.. that's superb news!
CONGRATULATIONS to the both of you!!
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