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Monday, April 16, 2007

been tagged

setelah aku berkali2 ditag oleh blogger2 seluruh alam ni.. kali ni hati aku terbuka la jugak nak balas tag ni... from matredo1. anyway, thanks for tagging me. kpd member2 yang pernah tag aku tapi aku x balas, jgn terasa ek... lain kali kalau korang tag aku lagi.. insya Allah aku balas.
1.Name movies that you have seen more than 10 times?
-none... and will never ever be any
2.Name a movie that you have seen multiple times in the theater?
-what a waste of money..
3.Name actors & actresses that would make you more inclined to see a movie?
- Mr n Mrs Pitt, Mr Cruise n Nicole Kidman
4.Name an actor that would make you less likely to see a movie?
- rusdi ramli... hhahaha.. sorry. he shouldnt be in the Qabil khusry Qabil Igam... different league of actors
5.Name a movie that you can do a quote from?
-I know what u did last summer? from the movie I know what u did last summer.
6.Name a movie musical that you know the lyrics to all songs featured?
-isnt that a job for the actor or the actress of that movie???
7.Name an actor that started in another medium but has surprised you with his performance?
-hans isaac. he was a model rite? and ppl said a model cant act?
8.Have you ever seen a movie in a drive-in?
9.If so, the answer is yes.Ever made out at a movie?
-even if i ever seen a movie in a drive-in, would rather get a room.
10.Name a movie that you keep meaning to see but just have not yet gotten around to it?
-lake house... hahah... yes... it's a 2006 movie.. been a bit bz..
11.Ever walked out from a movie?
-to pee...
12.Name a movie that made you cry in the theater?
-what a shame...
13.What was the last movie you saw in the theater?
14.What is your favourite/preferred genre of a movie?
15.What movie do you wish you had never seen?
-a few malay movies... couldnt remember ....
16.What is the weirdest movie you enjoyed?
-epic movie
17.What is the scariest movie you have ever seen?
-texas chainsaw massacare
18.What is the funniest movie you have ever seen?
-P Ramlee movies..

and yes... MU won again lastnite, and chelshit also won, meaning FA cup final at the new wembley btwn MU n cHelSea, and if MU n chelsea both win their champions league semi final... there will be another duel btwn 2 of them in the final... and the Premiership title race is also btwn 2 of them... what a great football season this year. P/S. kpd kak red, kak ween, adrenaline, zeleo, supersnowwomen... rajin2... balas la tag ni.... hhahaha


equilibrium_space said...

ooooooo...masa ko rajin (n kena sampok semangat MU) nak wat tag, ko kerah sume org wat gak ek...Masa ko x nak wat....amboiiiiii....mcm kura2 terkedu..kepala pun x nampak...hahaha...anyway, interesting tag,pal....btw,ko ada bape lai lab coat tuh???aku nak arrr selai..aku nye baru jek beli dah koyak rabak kena H2SO4...Cam %^$£& jek tau...x larat nak beli byk2...bila nak lawat aku, bawak la byk2 ek...utk ms depan.hiks...ok, gd luck for u n MU as well...kalu nak g manchester utd, demo oyak ko kawe deh..kawe minat jugok ko pok2 tuh...hik!
dah arrrr...aku tensen tahap

Monster Mom said...

whatever it is, P Ramlee's movies are the best!!!
Glory glory Man Utd... hope they'll make chelsot cry this season.....

Red Mummy said...

bukan ke dulu akak ada tag ko tapi nan ado gak ko buat tag akak? ko dah buat ke? x de akak rasa dah ke? cuba ko pikir2 balik nan, ada ke x?

kalo ada aku jwb, kalo x de, ko dahulukan yg tua ni dulu br aku bedal tag ko

ni apa cite bola2 ni, kat umah aku bola kat opis bola kat blog pun nak cite bola ke?

cii aaa

Sa-Yu-Ri said...

alar.....aper yg nak dibanggakan sgt dgn MU...players all tak hot mcm dulu2 nyer...hehe...relek eh korang...jgn bomb sini. they nt so kickin lar.unlike oldies like ERIC CANTONA......haha.RED DEVILS 4EVA PEEPS....yeeehaaaa

zura lias said...

hadui...makan bola..tidor bola..mandi pun bola..hikss..^_^..mana-mana aje..bola,bola n bola-bola api...hihihi