"Friend - a person known well to another and regarded with liking, affection and loyalty." - Collins English Dictionary
So, i stop writing about dima for a while since this blog belong to me, and dima didnt pay me any single cent ( but i still like him thou). Anyway, last wednesday, my frens and i were sitting together, and one of us, came out with an idea, to play a game that would increase our motivation (yes, u need a lot of motivation to be here in moscow!!!). So, intan came out with an idea, for everyone to write the "good stuff" about each other. time was limited, so we have to write as fast as possible, and just wrote the few 1st thing that came out in our mind. Yes... only the GOOD thingy.. ( tapi,kalau nak tulis pasal keburukan masing2... hehehhe... siap satu Buku kot?) anyway... these are what my frens thought about me.
1. Peramah, suka tolong orang
2. Pandai bergaya, banyak info pasal hal2 harta benda, suka tolong orang
3. Friendly, pandai buat kawan, confident
4. Confident, cool, pandai bergaya, ready to help others, banyak tau pasal cerita2 yang best
5. hensem
7. boleh layan maa apo apo cayolah!
8. Suka buat lawak, idea yang kreatif, suka tolong orang, suka ajak orang buat benda-benda baik, Tak berkira bab2 duit ni.
9. galak+peramah+periang+suke bercerita+gaya macho habis+masak macam2
10. tokey, otak bagus je bab business, x berkira sgt, kalau ada dia x sunyi laa kelas.
Well, these what came out from 10 of my frens who have known me for 5 years, been studying and living here together in moscow. 5 guys and 5 ladies... so, should be a fair one then. Tapi semua ubah tulisan masing2.. supaya x le cam sape tulis... but still, after such a long period together... x kan la x kenal tulisan kawan sendiri kan? hahaha... anyway guys... thanks a lot. well, at least I'm not that crazy after all huh?
So, moral daripada games ni... walau betapa bangang pon kite, at least, we should do s'thing to others, something that ppl would remember us for... something sweet for other to remember about us..... and hopefully, all these good attributes... will cover up our evil side... hehehe.. kalau cakap bab2 evil side aku... kene buat satu blog khas la kot.. baru cukup ruang... har har har...
P/S- i hope the comment "hensem" didnt come from a guy fren... it's a bit creepy ... hahahah.. kidding...
"My best friend is the one who brings out the best in me." - Henry Ford
so now i m back.
read yr whole entries this wk, but akak tempek kat sini je lah komen.
one komen only...
sapa yg buta mata hati tu?
tp kalau HENSEM DAN SESUAI DENGAN KAK RED - acceptable.
matiklah anak hekan kan!
aku lak...kalu aku nak tulih cite jahat aku, satu ayat pun xdek..tapi kalu nak tulih psl kebaikan aku, aku perlukan 8 blog utk abiskan satu kebaikan aku...ishk..ishk..ishk (menggeleng dgn perasan rendah diri dan hiba)...terbalik kita ek...ecececeee..ko merendah diri jek tuh...aku nmpk dr jauh lobang idong ko kembang sealam!!! lariiiiiiiikkkk!!!
equil perasan lebey lagi kt sini..ahaks
no 5, for sure x tahan.. :p
but i loike no 8, part x b'kira pasal duit..hehe..jom shopping jom
point no. 2 yg pandai bergaya tu sy setuju sangat2. point yg lain tu x bape bleh nk komen la pulak. sbb x penah tau. tp dulu2 ingtkn pendiam n pemalu. *smirking mode*
tulisan sape kt kertas2 tu??
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