U can be my umbrella
Wow.... what a lovely sunday for me. Well, to start with - as we all expected - MAN UTD gave a football lesson to liverpool , another win for united... 8 games against liverpool, only 1 draw and 7 wins. I really pity those liverpool fan. No worry , u'll never walk alone. Benitez will walk along u guys soon enuf. But the real highlight for today was the Rihanna concert in moscow -held at the olympic stadium.
4 of us went to the concert - shida , me , elyn and michelle ( but I did see a lot of other malaysians at the stadium too ) , my ex wife (chin joo) was supposed to join us too - but she bailed out last minute due to the health reason - the flu. Yeah, it's the flu season rite now is moscow. No worry chin joo - we wish u all the best and please get well soon. Plus , pussy cat dolls is coming next month. It's a crime to miss Nicole Scherzinger performing LIVE at ur hometown ( yeah, moscow is kinda my hometown after all)
The concert was great , and the performance was amazing. Yesterday Rihanna was performing in Germany , and today straight away in moscow - she did such an excellent job. The crowd was really enjoying it. I had my fun and I'm really enjoying myself even thou the fact that I have to wake up really early tomorrow since my current hospital is located near outside of moscow. It's gonna take me 1 hour and 15 mins to reach the hospital. I couldnt care less. I know for the fact tonite that I'll sleep with a smiling face.
anggau ape ke neh spai tidoq cenyum2...ekekekeke
syokkk aaa uolls nengok konsert rihana tuh
zie minat giler kat rihana
best la
umbrella ela ela ela...
ehh kan shida leh jd payung..
p/s : umo elyn tu bape?
sungguh comel!!
peehh...syok siot..best lg nihh
eh husna...nan la jd payung..haha
beshnya. dapat gi konsert rihanna. sangat jeles.. :(
dia nyanyi lagu apekah pada konsert tu? banyak lagu ngak?
fuhhh syoknyaaaaa!! seksi tak dia?? hehehe...
zie - angau sket2 jer la... :)
hahaha.. puas hati sbb dah tercapai satu impian :P
husna :)
elyn tu barely legal jer..
hahaha.. umur kene rahsiakan... :P
ela elaaa.. kain 2-3 elaa...
erni :)
beeeesstt sgt konsert tu
die nyanyi dalam 10-12 lagu kot rasenya
x kire pon
tapi semua lagu2 yg hot2 semua ada aa..
nan...best lah pic kat atas tue..mesti dapat seat nya best kan
wah..sronoknye...ela ela ela ei..ei..
suka lagu rihanna.. mesti hebat gile konsert dia
EJ - hehehe..bab sexy tu.. x yah citer la si rihanna ni... :P
mummysyafie -
tu gambar curi jer
seat kite x berapa best sgt..
tapi occay la.. :)
nieja --- hehehe.. ela ela sampai tertido...!
lindosh - the concert was magnificient!
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