back in those days when I started to learn about girls..
Started "liking" girls...
Started having girlfriends....
I always wonder.. and couldnt figure out what was really on women's mind...
It seemed like their brain is very complicated...
way too complicated for a simple mind of a perfectly normal man to understood.
But then , after a few relationships and break ups...
I think , finally I came out with a solution...
I finally found the secret of women's critical thinking ..
and how to deal with the "unstable" emotional period :)
I guess... practise does make perfect!
Once u open the pandora box...
That's it .. u r the man..
U should know exactly what to do..
and what not to do ...
Nevertheless... I know a lot of men out there had mastered this skill..
not all of them really put it into practise..
man - well known of being lazy and ignorance..
even thou we know exactly what we should do...
we prefer to just shut our mouth and close our eyes..
that showed what true man is all about...
Sometimes... u said it best. when u say nothing at all... :P
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