team Burberry!!!
Summer break in Malaysia isnt so far away from me now. I just cant wait to get back HOME - MALAYSIA. Really cant wait to meet with all of u back home. Anyway, I also have a big task back home. Rite now I'm looking for those who would love to join my team to play futsal against THE RED DIVAS team, maybe around august. LADIES/MEN/GIRLS/BOYS - everyone is welcome!!! So PLS, those who are staying in KL, or could come to KL, join my team, and let's beat the hell up the red divas team. It's ok if u dont know how to play futsal, coz we gonna WIN it .... but, I need u to be there with me. !!!..
i would like to join,
but i have to ask for the husband's consent.
and also the dates.
i need to know the dates.
kalau i jadi join, the red divas surely surennder lah.
note: cakap besar from a non-futsal player.
memula nak gelak
akak nak buat satu entry la later2, tajuk apa ek?
alah nan, kalo x cukup korum team ko, apa kata ko tolong jadi pickballer jer? ok?
ngeh ngeh ngeh
dah nampak dah sapa juara pasni, harussssssssssssssssss akak merah bwk burberry set tu angkut balik!
happy belated birthday!
happy summer holiday.. n good luck with the match... jgn lupa update yek sapa yg menang nanti? :0)
wahhhhhhh makan tido makan tido la yek la ni? cool!
wan jadi jurulatih dan pengurus
Best ni klu dapat beat the Red Diva tu..
Tolong confirmkan bila date nak 'belasah' tu...kikikikiki...
Kalau free akak nak join...
amboi ramainya nak jd team hannan...
nanti aku announce kat blog aku lak yer..kita tengok sapa nak be in my team!
u watch out BLURberry!!
team burberry..macam nama minyak wangi kan
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