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Sunday, April 11, 2010

kecewa dengan perkhidmatan hkl?

the other day,
i was reading the e newspaper , and i came across this article, a complaint about another government hospital , HKL

in this article, the writer complaint about a very bad treatment given to her " nenek saudara "

SAYA ingin berkongsi pengalaman pahit nenek saudara saya selaku pesakit di HKL baru-baru ini. Sabtu lalu, nenek saudara saya yang disahkan menghidap penyakit kanser paru-paru Tahap 4 dipindahkan dari sebuah hospital swasta di Petaling Jaya ke Hospital Kuala Lumpur (HKL) untuk mendapatkan rawatan susulan.

Pemindahannya dilakukan atas nasihat doktor di hospital swasta tersebut dengan alasan HKL menyediakan rawatan khidmat Onkologi terbaik bagi pesakit kanser.

Atas nasihat tersebut, pihak kami sekeluarga pun bersetuju dengan perpindahan itu. Pihak hospital swasta berurusan dengan pakar Onkologi HKL untuk kemasukan pesakit. Namun, apabila pesakit dipindahkan, beliau dimasukkan ke wad kecemasan untuk beberapa jam. Kemudian, beliau hanya dimasukkan ke wad biasa dengan alasan doktor akan memeriksanya sebelum dimasukkan ke wad Bahagian Onkologi.

Beliau telah dimasukkan ke wad kelas tiga bagi tujuan pemantauan oleh pihak doktor 24 jam. Pihak kami telah meminta untuk dimasukkan ke wad kelas pertama kerana ingin memberi keselesaan kepada pesakit tetapi tidak digalakkan oleh pihak HKL kerana pesakit terlalu kritikal untuk wad kelas tersebut.

Pemantauan pihak doktor di wad tersebut hanya dari 8 pagi sehingga 12 tengah hari pada hari Sabtu dan Ahad dari 8 pagi sehingga 5 petang pada hari lain. Saya memang tidak faham dengan dasar ini. Adakah doktor tidak memantau langsung pesakit selepas pukul 12 tengah hari atau 5 petang?

Ketika berada di wad tersebut (kelas ketiga), pesakit tidak berasa selesa kerana keadaan wad terlalu panas, sesak serta bising selain berada dalam keadaan kritikal. Saya terpaksa membawa kipas meja sendiri untuk mengurangkan keadaan panas pesakit. Malah, katil yang digunakan pesakit tidak berfungsi dengan sepenuhnya disebabkan bahagian kepalanya tidak dapat dinaikkan atau diturunkan.

Jururawat yang bertugas juga kelihatan tidak tahu apa patut dilakukan terhadap pesakit. Saya terpaksa meminta ubat-ubatan berkenaan seperti ubat batuk dan ubat tidur untuk pesakit. Doktor kanan (senior) hanya datang pada lewat petang dan akhirnya membenarkan pesakit untuk dipindahkan ke wad kelas pertama.

Malangnya, wad tersebut telah penuh dan hanya ada pada keesokkan harinya. Saya amat kecewa kerana pesakit kelihatan semakin lemah dan tidak selesa. Pakar Onkologi juga tidak muncul langsung untuk memeriksa pesakit. Apabila saya memaksa doktor bertugas untuk menghubungi pakar Onkologi, beliau menyatakan bahawa pakar tersebut menganggap kes pesakit tidak penting dan hanya akan datang pada keesokkan harinya.

Bayangkanlah pesakit sudah berada pada Tahap 4 kanser paru-paru dan ini dianggap tidak penting oleh pakar Onkologi.

Pada awal pagi keesokannya, kira-kira pukul 5 pagi, hati saya tergerak untuk menghubungi pihak hospital bertanyakan status keadaan pesakit. Pihak yang menjawab panggilan meminta saya menunggu sebentar kerana difahamkan pesakit sedang berada dalam keadaan tenat dan sedang dirawat.

Sementara menunggu, saya kedengaran pihak yang menjawab telefon terpinga-pinga tidak tahu untuk berkata apa kepada saya. Dia bertanyakan kepada rakan sekerjanya dan berkata: "Nak cakap apa ni? Nak cakap apa ni?" Setelah hampir seminit saya menunggu, dia meminta saya untuk bergegas ke hospital. Saya memarahinya kerana tidak menghubungi saya secepat mungkin.

Bayangkanlah, kalau saya tidak menghubungi hospital, agaknya bila mereka akan menghubungi saya? Apabila saya tiba di hospital, keadaan pesakit sudah terlalu tenat dan saya meminta doktor bertugas untuk menyelamatkannya dengan apa cara sekali pun.

Beliau hanya berkata: "Saya bukan Tuhan dan pesakit sudah bersedia untuk 'pergi'." Saya hanya sempat membisikkan ke telinganya memintanya jangan meninggalkan kami namun tiada tindak balas. Saya kemudian membacakan surah Yasin dan 'mengucap' untuknya. Pesakit kemudian 'pergi' dengan tenang.

Walaupun saya menerima kenyataan bahawa ajal dan maut di tangan Tuhan dan reda dengan pemergian nenek saudara saya, tapi saya amat kecewa dengan perkhidmatan yang diberikan oleh pihak HKL.

Saya amat menyesal kerana membuat keputusan untuk memindahkan arwah nenek saudara ke HKL. Kemudahan yang rosak seperti katil tidak dapat dilaraskan memburukkan keadaan lagi. Saya bertekad untuk tidak menghantar ahli keluarga saya atau sesiapa pun ke HKL lagi.


Kuala Lumpur


here's the thing wahai cucu saudara...

ur grandma has stage 4 lung cancer... i'm sure the doctor at the private hospital has told u the prognosis of the disease. No one ever survive the stage 4 cancer. hence, i'm sure the doctor at the private hospital, asked u to send ur grandma to HKL - mainly for palliative care

even the best oncology has nothing much could do on an elderly patient with stage 4 cancer.

PLUS - it's a normal procedure that every admission has to go thru the emergency. dear cucu sedih, at government hospital, there are many critically ill patient need to be saved at the emergency room, hence ur grandma had to wait for quite sometimes.

sorry about that, but our country still dont have enuf doctor and the ER is still not big enough.

well, there are many more i have to say here

but what u experience at HKL is a standard procedure, if u want a VIP service... just stay at the private hospital. the choice is urs if u have the money. that's all.


HaNi said...

it was probably be the first time cucu saudara ever enter HKL hence the complaintsss.

inahar ali said...

salam hannan..really agree with u!! baru pestaim agaknye msk hkl..nk tergelakpun ada bila baca dia punyer complaint!!

Wahidah said...

pergh...bravo dr han..agre with u...dah stage 4 prognosis die..hurm..

n somemore kalo dr private pi ke gomen what u aspect..gomen hosp mmg kekurangan doc kurang katil kurang nurse n mungkin kurang kemudahan lain...

tp tk semestinya gomen hosp itu tk baik yea..sbb mereka kdg2 lbih teliti dr private hosp..cuma take time sket la..

aper2 pun jawapan yg sgt bgs han..:)

@rep said...

ntahlah.. tatau nak cakap apa ni .. hehehehe

Mummy Hanny said...

definitely (not a maybe anymore doc!)

mr.thex said...

they just dont understand =(

hannahghazni said...

salam. i agree with tuan doktor in some senses.

people outside HKL obviously got no idea how the environment would be. true. they just dont understand how busy and doesnt aware how flaw the facilities could be. since it's government.
but, thats what all the doctor can say. from doctor's point of view.

tapi, to be empathy, if we were in that 'cucu sedih' shoes, orang yg tak tahu ape2 pasal all these stuff, would obviously felt sad and complaints itu ini.

in my opinion, yes, that patient had stage 4 lung cancer, and doctors know already nothing much can be done. cume palliative care would be the best solution. in the first place, why the pakar didnt explain to the family nicely. instead of telling the family, "kes tersebut tidak penting". *well according to cucu sedih. it could be the other way round, we dont know*

so cucu sedih would obviously interpret that the specialist didnt do their work. so tak boleh lah salahkan cucu sedih tu.

but, im sure doctors did good job.

okie dokie.
sekadar pandangan budak medik yg baru belajar :)

AKU said...

setuju dgn Dr.HAnnah

doktor tu patut explain detail la condition pesakit tu.. barulah famili akan paham... drpd ckp "kes tersebut tidak penting".. rasa mcm terabai lak...

mmg kt HKL sesak..sapa yg 1st time g situ mesti tension ngn servis.

tapi se"busy mana pun dr. tue luang la masa utk explain kt famili pesakit...

~Ibu Anggun~ said...

nak bagi POV jugak..

cucu sedih tengah sangat bersedih.. maybe thats his/her way to express the sadness..

in this matter, i think it's very important for the doc or the staff nurse to explain in detail why they do this.. why they don't do that..

i was admitted in teh hosp myself and applying for the 1st class room but i got the same answer like the hkl staff gave to cucu sedih. the difference is, i look it at the positive side and have faith in the doc and the nurse there.

we tend to look down on the gov hosp. i think.. I THINK la.. it's because we are have no confidence in the facilities and the staffs that we tend to look all the flaws and the bad side.

i dont know very well how hkl operates. but the big mistake between the hkl and the cucu sedih is because there were too little communication. and even if they communicate, maybe penuh dengan ketakpuashatian. JUST MAYBE. and if that happen, how will the staff be nice to you.

every party has their share. :)

I'm so happy when i choose to deliver my first baby in nucleus hosp, labuan. its a gov hosp. i have faith in my nurses and the doc and in return they are all nice to me and i'm enjoying 1st class treatment even i was admitted in the 3rd class and only transferred to the 1st class after my operation.

see.. always communicate (with smile) :)

hannan, i'm sure u are a good doc and doing you job magnificently :)

Mulan said...

ada jugak private hospital yg service nya teruk..

soulsearcher said...

sy minta maaf, sy perlu menyuarakan pendapat sy.doktor takkan complaint sbb doktor adalah doktor. kalau doktor berada dlm situasi 'nenek' itu seharuslah doktor takkan melaluinya. you'll get 1st class treatment in an instance.cuba fikir, kenapa doktor nak jd doktor???mesti hanya ada satu sebab kan (kalau betulla..). Sbb nak tolong org. Kalau nak tolong org..tak perlu ada syaratnya. Sy hanya org biasa2 saja..bukan doktor. i can take medicine if i want. But i didn;t..why? becos bukan senang nak tolong org seikhlas hati. So, doktor2 sekalian...jgnlah cuba nak menegakkan benang yg basah. kalau sekalipun kamu salah..admit it. Semua org belajar dr kesilapan. Sekarang senangla nak condemn 'cucu sedara' tu. Cuba fikirkan...anak cucu kamu (yg tdak menjadi doktor) suatu hari akan jadi pesakit juga. regarless private/gomen, patient should be treated as patient..not anything else. please...bekerjalah dgn ikhlas.
p/s kalau tak boleh terima kritikan..jglah cuba sesekali nak kritik org lain.

Unknown said...

dear readers,
thank you for the comments.

if u work at the hospital, u would agree with me

if u are the citizen, u would be critical coz u dont understand what's really going on here.
the cucu is not giving the clear picture

if u are a medical student,
dont simply make ur own assumption... life as a real doctor and medical student is different ,
come back when u are a doctor and comment on this issue again,

to those who think doctors are insincere...
we all dont care.
if we arent sincere..
we all would just go to private practise.
why would an oncologist stay at government hospital if he could earn 100x more at private hospital?/
think... think ... think???

Wahidah said...

wow..issue ne sgt menarik..

tp kan paling penting communication and body language gk..

mostly the medical staff will try to do our best..
but bile patient overload what would u aspect?

esp in ER..everyone nak cepat,eveyone rs die dh skt sgt..

but public kena jugakla paham,we as a medical staff is a human being..we try our best to provide a good services..but sumtime mistake or prob happen..

but dont blame us 100%..unless kalo mmg terang2 dh benda yg terjadi to is our fault...

ne juz my opinion je..

sally said...

Hi all

This is a late comment but I just want to share that for the past one week my grandmother has been at GH and i have been observing the doctors and nurses whole caring for my grandma and I have only admiration for them. Its not easy what they do in the ward, so few hands and patients coming in non stop. they work round the clock trying to save lives and look so tired but i have never seen any nurse who was just mean or lazy, they are just busy if i
Can do things myself like feed my grandma and clean and change her, or anything to make her comfortable i just do it. My sister n i both agree nurses an doctors in Public hospitals prob dont get paid enough but i really wish people would thank them enough, they are trying their best and are just human.

malarang said...

saya dah pernah alami benda yang lbh kurang sama di hospital besar pulau pinang.pernah rasa di layanan mcm sampah bila tgh sakit.pernah tgk nenek saya menderita sakit,tapi x di amb peduli.tapi dah x ada pilihan terpaksa sabar dan lalui je apa yang berlaku.bukan doktor atau nurse yang salah,cuma sikap manusia je yang menyebabkan benda ni terjadi.tak semua doktor atau nurse bersikap macam tu.renung2 kan dan berfikir la secara waras.