shamsul said...
- Hi DR. Saya nak tanya satu soalan.. i have lipoma on my back neck. saya nak remove it dengan operate. DR cakap it take few minute je untuk remove lipoma.. but my concern ialah..adakan ianya akan give any effect to my neck later? or my spine? im damm worry. thanks.
Follow Dr Han :)
Dr Han endorsed
Sunday, November 27, 2011
neck lipoma
- shamsul said...
thanks a million DR :)
Nov 28, 2011, 6:29:00 PM
- BayuTimur said...
assalamualaikum dr hannan,i hope its not too late to wish u many congratulation for newborn baby nia,im sure you are in real happiness by now.doctor i want to ask u about electronic cigarette,did it gives us the same effects as usual cigarettes as it stated there no nikotine?pls answer me doctor
Dec 1, 2011, 8:30:00 AM
- Unknown said...
bayu timur - will do yea :) currently getting some input from electronic cigarettes users
Dec 1, 2011, 9:16:00 PM
- BayuTimur said...
tq so much doctor,i wait your respond and i felt so honoured as u look foward to read my comment.tq so and very much
Dec 2, 2011, 12:19:00 AM
- Unknown said...
Dec 7, 2011, 10:48:00 AM
- Unknown said...
I've had appx 16 lipomas removed, all of them fairly small (between 2cm and 5cm). My first two experiences with lipoma removal were BAD,It was done with local anaesthetic, however it required rather large incisions, lots of stitches, and left me with two very nasty big scars.
Aug 14, 2013, 3:30:00 PM
- wan said...
salam doc..sy ade lipoma di bahagian badan dan sekarang makin mmbesar..sy ingin mmbuat pembedahan lipoma ni..bleh doc suggest kn kat mne klinik/hospital yg sesuai..
Nov 24, 2013, 4:54:00 PM