The final day of the semester :)
These photos was taken during the final day of this semester at our teacher's office a.k.a our class too. I was back into action, just on time for the group photo. :) Yes, our teacher is a hot doc! Unlucky me , she's married , hahahah.. But , I reckon she already has grandchildren for crying out loud :P. Such a great doctor she is! She needs no slides, no computer presentation, no books when she's teaching us. Everything just came out her mouth simply just like that. She said she needs no help ( the books , the computer etc) when she's teaching. Coz, she has everything stored inside her head. Wow, I really wish I could be as good as her. Really awesome. Ask her anything (medical stuff) , and she could answer everything without hesitation.
We bought her a pearl necklace as a token of appreciation. Well, she deserved it! HAhaha. Not an easy task teaching us to be doctors! Every students at the hospital agreed that she's the nicest teacher u could as for. She always smile, hardly get angry with the students and when she's teaching, she has this kind of charm , that really made me wanted to learn more and more. I just hope that she's gonna be our teacher again for the next semester :) .
I am sure you could become a good doc like her.So are you going to continue become a doc in moscow?:)
nope.. going back to Negaraku tercinta :)
murid yg baik
adalah dari guru yg baik..:)
hmmm... i can see why you like this teacher doctor sooo much..i wish i can be like her too...
soo nice if my students can present me a pearl necklace..hehehe
thanks mrs sheikh!
waliz.. someday , u will get one too :)
she always smile?
dapat adiah necklace tu cam x suka pun idak..
die camera phobia kot. hehe.
bape harga pearl sini eh? pearl btol ke?
untung nya dapat student macam ni kan...
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