Tahniah Big Bro!
Selamat Pengantin Baru to my newly wed Big Bro - Hafez and my new sister in law , kak liza ( welcome to the family!). Semoga berbahagia dan berkekalan hingga ke akhir waktu. :). The wedding ceremony was held at the bride's house in Kuching , last week. My bro and his wife work at the same company - Inai Kiara. My bro is the Deputy Project manager there, but I'm sure about my sist-in-law position there as we never really chat that much yet. Nevertheless, I wish them all the happiness in the world!
When we were younger, our parent always keep reminding us to find a wife from the same state. Why? Becoz senang nak balik kampung katanya. But then, my eldest brother prove the theory is pretty much - wrong! My 1st sister in law , also from Kelantan, but after they got married , they stayed in KL, Klang and now PD. Pretty far away from Kelantan. So, they hardly went back to Kelantan unless during the holiday. After that, my parent came in the conclusion that, doesnt matter where ur wife came from, it's just the same thing. So does my 2nd bro married a sarawakian. Ironically, they both work in Terengganu! So, they are technically stay nearer to Kelantan!
Furthermore , my father really enjoy travelling , and so does my uncles. So, during my bro's wedding in Kuching earlier this month, was a chance for them to visit Sarawak! They really enjoyed staying there for a few days. It's more like a big family holiday. They stayed at the luxury service apartment ( near the Waterfront), great facilities, plus- just walking distance to the city center . Yup, as the time goes by, so does our nature. "Dulu, orang tua x kasi kawin jauh... susah nak pergi ramai...nak tinggal mane... nak cuti lama2 , itu la.. ini la.. " , but nowdays, thanks to AirAsia, the highways, good hotels, and malaysian are getting richer everday - distance isnt an excuse anymore rite.
maybe the next one would be the russian wedding??
ngeh ngeh ngeh~
tak lama lagi hannnan la pulok! hehehe
encik hanan bile lagi ye..
x mampu diri ini nak menjawab.. :P
msti the one yang connecting ngan watefront tuh.. pape pun,congrats and urs bile plak? hehe..
biler sampai waktunya nanti :)
sedihnyee.. kak na tak leh pi...:-(
x lama lagi nanti 3rd bro lak yg kahwin...
taniah...ni lah kakak ipar nan yang dari sarawak tu yer?
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